Joining Forces With Decepticons Part 1

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A/N: Sorry for not uploading in a while! But my birthday passed and we were getting ready for that! So...yeah, here is chapter/part 19 of Optimus x Abused/Insane Reader!!!! Enjoy!!!!!


Y/n P.O.V

I feel weird being in this form? Why? Is it because of how long I was dead? I shook my head, making the thought escape my head. I didn't want to tell Optimus I could still see in this form, I wanted it to be a surprise? But how? I let that escape my mind as we walked up to an Energon mine filled with cons, Megatron was also here. "Plan?" Bulkhead asked, "Bulkhead and Arcee! Try to get enough Energon for all of us, we need it. Bee, Y/n, and I will keep them distracted." Optimus answered, we all nodded as we three rushed out first with the other two behind us. "Hm?" I paused as I looked around, "Y/n what's wrong?" Bee asked, I looked up as I saw Megatron came falling down on top of me. I quickly pushed Bee out of the way and turned back to Megatron as his blade hit mine, "Your back I see? And I guess you have a spar this time!" He questioned, "None of your business." I whispered, I then punched him in the mid-section and he went flying. Both mine and Bee's optics widened as we looked at each other. He shrugged, we then looked towards Optimus as he was fighting the other cons.

"Gah-!" We heard Arcee, we looked over and saw Arcee and Bulkhead on the ground. "Bee! Go help Optimus! I'll help the other two!" I demanded, he nodded. We then seperated ways as I rushed over to Arcee and Bulk, I transformed into my (Forgot what is was so Imma let y'all choose your favorite badass car, sorry for language) f/c/d (favorite car design) and took down all the bots around the two by drifting in a circle. "You two alright?" I asked as I transformed helping them up, "We're fine. But shouldn't you be helping Optimus?" Bulkhead asked, I frowned. "Uh, we are supposed to-! Nevermind," I frowned. Optimus and Bee then came walking over, "We have enough energon, plus the cons are making a run for it!" Optimus answered, "More like escaping?" Bulk frowned, I tilted my head. "Hey Y/n?" Bee asked, I looked over to him."Do you have any idea where you even sent Megatron when you sent him flying?" He asked, "Yeah. Where did he go?" Optimus frowned when looking at me, I shrugged.

"All I know is that I just sent him flying?" I answered, "That's new?" Arcee frowned, "Optimus. We should have Ratchet give Y/n a check up once we get back!" Bulkhead suggested, "Uh-! I'm fine!" I frowned as I backed away, "You five aren't going ANYWHERE!" We heard a familiar voice, me, bee, and Optimus turned to see Megatron with a dent in his mid-section. My optics widened, he then grabbed me and pulled me over to him. "Gah-!?" I gasped as I tried to get back, "Megatron let her go!" Optimus frowned, "And why should I?" Megatron questioned, "U-Uh...s-sorry to interrupt? But...we have another problem-?" I answered, Megatron and Optimus both looked at me then to what I was pointing at. "What the-! HOW DID YOU GET UP HERE!?" Optimus and Megatron gasped. I moved out of the way as Megatron was hit with a spider web, "Missed my target I see?" Arachnid frowned, my optics widened as I turned towards her. "SINCE WHEN HAVE I BECOME THE TARGET!?" I gasped, Optimus grabbed me and pulled me back as he stood in front of me. "Um..." I frowned as I looked up at Optimus, "Megatron. I know Archnid has betrayed you! Let us join forces the rest of this mission and destroy her!" Optimus suggested, "WHAT-!?" The others gasped, I stayed quiet. "It appears so," Megatron frowned. "Optimus look out-!" I gasped as I pushed him out of the way, I was then caught in the webs.

"There is no way you can escape that dear Y/n..." She smiled, I frowned. "I made this web especially for you, knowing how strong you are and how much magic you have. I calculated the webs strength for it to hold!" She explained, I frowned as I tried to loosen the webs but nothing worked. Optimus frowned as he rushed over and tried to punch arachnid, only to get caught in her webs too. I sighed and looed towards Arachnid as the others were all in fighting stances, "What do you want Arachnid? I'll do anything!" I answered, "WHAT!?" The others shouted, "Y/n! Your seriously not giving up your life right?!" Arcee asked, Arachnid smiled. "I want you!" She answered, "As an experiement!" My optics widened a little bit, "Fine." I answered, Optimus' optics widened as he looked at me. "Y/!" He pouted, "Good!" Arachnid smiled, "But first cut me loose!" I added, she frowned. "Fine," She groaned. She got me loose from the webs as I looked at myself, "Now come on!" She demanded as she stopped in front of me, "I don't think so!" I smiled as I punched her back, "GAH-!?" She gasped, I grabbed my sword out and cut Optimus and Megatron loose and put my sword back as Arachnid ran off. "ARCEE!" I demanded as I looked back at her, she nodded and we both chased after Arachnid. "Y/N! ARCEE!" Optimus gasped as they all ran after us, I transformed into my f/c/d as Arcee hopped on top as I got closer to  Arachnid. Arcee jumped onto Arachnid making her tumble to the ground as I stopped and transformed, "Dang it-! I'm so dirty!" I huffed as I was covered in mud, "She's knocked out, for now." Arcee answered, we then heard familiar engines as we looked back and saw the others Transform.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now