Meet Jack, Miko, Raf, and Emma

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"Optimus! Stop that!" I giggled as he kissed my neck cables a few times, "Aw. But it's making you giggle?" He whimpered, "You two find a room!" Ratchet complained, "Aw! Someone not liking the romance?" I asked, "No." Ratchet frowned, "Then why not you get a girl and see how we treat you?" Optimus finished, Ratchet paused and looked over. Blue tint covering his faceplates, "Mhm! That's what I thought!" I answered, he grunted and went back to typing away on his keyboard. "So Y/n?" Russel asked, "Yes young Russel?" I smiled, "If your human how can you understand Cybertronian and Bee's whirls?" He asked, I paused as my smile fell to a frown. "I-I...." I stuttered, Optimus stopped what he was doing, making sure I wasn't going to lose it or do anything serious. Ratchet stopped and turned his head to make sure I was alright. "I-I don't know actually..." I finished, "How do you not know?" Russel asked, I shrugged a bit. "You wanna go for a drive?" Optimus whispered in my audio receptors, I nodded. We walked over to the entrance and transformed, me slowly driving behind Optimus.

We were then out of the base and on the road, we went for far that there was a little bit of green and trees and bushes to hide behind. Then it got even more greener, then we were in a forest. We stopped as it was turning nighttime, "The others should be at base already." Optimus answered as we both transformed, "Optimus?" I frowned, "Yes Y/n?" He answered, "C-Can we stay here for a bit?" I answered, his optics lit up a bit. "S-Sure." He answered, seeing how confused and tired I looked. I smiled a bit as we walked into the forest, that's when I felt hands wrap around my waist and light kisses against my neck cables. "O-Optimus?!" I gasped, trying to look back at him. "Mm-?!" I gasped when he bit my neck, I bit my bottom lip hoping that any more moans wouldn't escape my mouth but Optimus just kept on repeating his actions and small little moans escaped my body. "Are you calm now?" He asked taking his helm away from my neck, "Y-Yes..." I answered, "Good." He smiled, he turned me towards him and closed the gap between us. Bringing my body closer to his till there was no room whatsoever.

I broke the kiss gasping for air as I looked at him, I smiled as we put our helms together. "I love you my prime," I answered, "I love you too my sweet spark." He whispered, "Optimus! We have bad news!" We heard Ratchet through the Commlink, we separated as Optimus answered his comm. "What is it Ratchet?" He asked, "The Decepticons found the base!?" Ratchet shouted, both our optics widened. "WE'LL HURRY BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" Optimus demanded, we then rushed out to the road, transformed, and took off. We were going high speed until we got to base, "Uh-! Optimus-?!" I gasped as Megatron flew in between us as I stopped, my tires screeched. Optimus stopped and transformed, "Y/N-!?" He gasped, "Ah ah ah Prime!" Megatron smiled, "Transform now or you perish human." Megatron demanded, I quickly transformed with my hands up slightly. "If you give me her, I won't destroy your base! And we'll leave Earth for good!" Megatron smiled, Optimus' optics widened. I frowned, we then heard something else happening as we saw the entrance opening and everyone coming out in vehicle form since they had the kids. "Y/N-!?" Ratchet/Sire gasped, he quickly transformed giving Russel to Bulkhead. "Ratchet!" Optimus frowned, (Imma call him sire now just so I don't confuse you fellow readers.) Sire stopped in his tracks as he looked at Optimus with a confused look, "I AM NOT LETTING MY DAUGHTER BE TAKEN HOSTAGE AGAIN!?" He yelled, "Sire. I'll be fine," I whispered. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL BE FINE!? LAST TIME YOU HAD AN ARM TORN OFF AND SCARS ALL OVER YOU!?" He argued, Megatron smirked. (Also remember about when I said I don't want to copyright the actual thing? That's what I'm doing now! Ta-da! No copyright!)

"You sure love this adopted daughter of yours?" Megatron answered, I frowned. "Let's see? What if I do this?" Megatron's smirk grew wider as his blade slid out and he slashed me, my optics wide. I fell to the ground coughing Energon, "NO!" Ratchet gasped, his optics turned red as he took out a blast and blasted Megatron. Who either dodged or got hit, Optimus rushed over to me and helped me up and over the to the others as Ratchet delt with the warlord. "DECEPTICONS! DESTROY THEIR BASE!" Megatron yelled, I frowned. 'This is all my fault!' I thought, it wouldn't go away it was just stay in my head. Nothing else could remove it from my head, 'This is all my fault! This is all my fault!' I thought it over and over again, then is started something different. 'This is all your fault Y/ wouldn't let the Decepticons have you,' Is what I thought now. "Y-Y/n-!?" I heard Optimus' voice, I look up to see them all staring at me. The bots are in their bipedal form with the kids in their servos, they even had my human body. "Y-Y/n? Are you okay?" Ratchet asked, my optics widened as I felt my faceplates stained with tears. "Big sister?" Emma whispered,  my eyes started to flash between purple and red. I quickly transformed and took off. "Y/N!?" Ratchet gasped.

Bumble Bee P.O.V. ~ Your want to be child!!!! (He's technically my child, remember that's why I put this in)

I watched as Y/n drove off, Emma was not in a good state right now. She just saw her sister drive off in a panicked, and unstable state, I looked towards Optimus as he was covering his faceplates. "S-She won't come back? Won't she?" Russel whispered, "No. She won't unless she's forced too..." Arcee frowned, I put Raf and Emma on both of my shoulders. "What now? The base is destroyed?!" Bulkhead complained, "We'll have to find somewhere else to stay and make shelter." Optimus answered, "But what bout Y/n? If she comes back? She should at least know?" I pouted, "I'm not expecting us to find a base quickly Bumble Bee! And if Y/n comes back in that time we don't have a base, then she'll be able to know in case she goes off again!" Optimus explained, "And what if she doesn't?!" I asked with a sort of angry and sad face, "Then we can show her!" He frowned, I rolled my eyes and turned away. "Bumblebee! You know that I am exactly right!" Optimus frowned, "Plus. You aren't only cared for that much by Y/n that she thinks of you as her sparkling! That's also the same with me!" My eyes lit up with shock as I turned to Optimus, "R-Really-!?" I gasped, he smiled and nodded. I then started jumping up and down careful not to let Raf and Emma fall, besides, they were also a great couple, Emma always wanted to be around Raf when they were younger, and he never said no, plus that's still how they are today.

"Autobots! Roll out!" Optimus answered, we all transformed and left off, technically the way Y/n went. I'd be glad to call her Carrier or the human term mother. We then came into town, "Uh-?! Optimus-?!" I stopped, "Yes Bumblebee?" Optimus asked, "Isn't that Y/n over there?" I asked, "At the restaurant?" Optimus stopped, we all saw Y/n trying to get out of a situation with two boys. She was probably too sad and weak right now to fight, "What the-! Doesn't that count as ****!?" Ratchet asked, "IT DOES!?" Optimus yelled, his holo form jumped out of the cab and rushed over to them. I then seen one hit him, Y/n was in a state of fear and shock as Optimus beat the crap out of them. That's when the police came, Optimus and Y/n were released from charge but the two boys were charged and had to go to court with Optimus and Y/n there too.

Optimus P.O.V

I was pissed off when they tried to do that to Y/n, but the boys learned their lesson. The police saw that she was mine and I was only trying to help, right now she was crying in my chest outside the restaurant. "I-I'm sorry!" She answered, that's when the rest of the group came over with the kids. Ratchet patched us up a bit, Y/n had a lot more on her than I did though. So she was the first one to be cared for, (Also I changed it somewhere in the story from me having a wrist band to change me to bot form and human but I switched it, but now I am switching it back to that just to warn you guys if you go back and have to reread a whole chapter!). "Y/n? Are you in your holo form or actual form right now?" Ratchet asked, "Actual." She stated, "Good. You might need to keep it that way for a while till you heal! That means no battles!" Ratchet finished, She nodded. I was right next to her, holding hand in hand as I was gently kissing hers. "And Optimus." Ratchet frowned, "I expect you to watch over her since she is your spark mate!" I nodded and rolled my eyes, Ratchet packed up his things and put them away. "Good, now we can get on with the mission!" He huffed, I carried y/n to the cab and put her in.

I got in the other side, my holo form staying just in case Y/n needed something. We soon got to a dark, empty, uncrowded, Old, Abandoned place where we were going to rest for the night. Y/n was cuddling against my holo form near the fire, as the others were enjoying themselves. "Hey, Optimus?" I heard Jack's voice, I looked up to see Jack. "Yes, Jack?" He asked, "If the base is completely destroyed, and our home town as well? Doesn't that mean we have to come with you?" He asked, "It does. And I would hope that is alright with your mother? Seeing as of she is having a good time with the bots and the others?" I exclaimed, he nodded and walked off. "Mm..." I heard Y/n moan, I looked down to see her leaning on my chest trying to sleep. "You ready to go to bed sweet spark?" I whispered into her ear, she nodded. I smiled as I picked her up and carried her to my cab, I put her in the bed and tucked her in, and drifted to sleep with her.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now