You came back?!

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Optimus P.O.V

"Mm..." I moaned as I opened my eyes, I saw Rafael smiling, on the bed, in front of me. "Morning Optimus!" He smiled, I smiled back but then frowned. "Can you make pancakes this morning please?" He begged, "Fine." I whispered, he smiled and went downstairs afterward. "He really hasn't grown that much, plus he still looked, and acted a bit childish at sometimes. I then had the scent of Y/n coming from the pillow, I hugged them tightly then let go, "Morning sweet spark." I whispered, I then sat up.

I rubbed my head as I slowly stood up, I walked over to the door and out as I noticed Bee was still in his room. I walked over to the door, "Bee?" I answered, he looked over as he had tears staining his face. My eyes widened a bit, I couldn't see what position his body was in since he was under the covers. "Hi...Optimus..." He whispered, "Bee? What's wrong?" I asked, he pulled the covers up more as I walked in. I pulled the covers off as my eyes widened, bee then covered his face, "BUMBLE BEE!" I gasped, he was covered in scars. "Some group of kids jumped me last night when I went out for a walk," He answered. I frowned as I clenched my fist tightly. "Clean yourself up then join Raf downstairs for Breakfast, I'll get Ratchet to come and check up on you," I answered, he nodded as he got up and walked out to the Bathroom. I sighed as I felt arms wrap around me again, I chose not to do anything about it and walked off. If Y/n was going to be reincarnated where would she be? And how long would it take me to find her again? I put that thought out of my mind, and walked downstairs and started making pancakes, eggs, and got drinks ready.

Bee came walking down just as I set his plate on the counter, I then heard the doorbell ring as I stopped everything and went to get it. It was the person I called for, Ratchet. I let him in as he walked to the kitchen as I shut the door and followed shortly after, "You did a good job bandaging yourself Bee? Where'd you learn this?" Ratchet asked, "Y/n." Bee answered, I paused when he said her name. I turned my head to him as Ratchet took off one of the bandages and examined the scars, "How'd Y/n teach you?" I asked, Bee frowned. "W-Well...the other night she came to me in my dreams and since she learned medical stuff from college I asked her how to bandage myself if I needed it." He explained. I frowned, 'And she just visited me last night? Huh?' I thought. I then went back to making pancakes till I ran out of the pancake batter.

"Optimus?" I heard Y/n's voice, I then stopped and looked around for something that she'd be doing or nearby. "Optimus? You okay?" Ratchet asked, "H-Hm...? O-Oh yes!" I smiled, I then put the last pancake on my plate and ate.

~Le Time skip~

Ratchet stayed and helped around the house a bit since it was a mess, and after Emma was done school she decided to come over as well. I even caught it out of the corner of my eye Emma was blushing a bit and stuttering with her words as I talked to Ratchet, he then noticed it himself and laughed. "So Optimus? Anything new on Y/n?" He asked, "Hm? Why would you ask that?!" I asked, "Let's say we know you've been seeing her!" He answered, I sighed and turned my head away. "Well first off, stop stalking me! Second off, I do have newish news to tell you guys." I explained, "And what is this news?" Ratchet asked, "She said she would be reincarnated, but the time she is the same age as when she passed the others most likely would be gone." I explained, "Uh-huh." He frowned, "And we might also too be somewhere else? You know, if we get Cybertron back?" Ratchet answered, "I know!" I hissed, I then looked away.

I sighed as I looked at the ground, Ratchet frowned and looked away. "OPTIMUS-!?" We heard Raf yell, him, Emma, and Bee came rushing in. "Y-Y/n-! I-is in the living r-room!" Bee frowned, mine and Ratchet's eyes widened as we rushed in with the others right behind us. Y/n was standing there, but something was off about her. She was wearing a black and red dress as she was staring out the window, "Y-Y/n...?" I whispered, she then looked over. Her eyes were sealed shut for some reason, "Optimus!" She smiled softly, she then got up and walked over to me. "H-How are you h-here?!" Ratchet asked, we both hugged Y/n tightly. "I begged and begged for me to come back, and in return...I had to give something of mine away!" She smiled, "W-What did they take away from you? A-Also what about the reincarnation?!" Ratchet asked, Y/n pointed to her eyes are both me, and Ratchet's eyes widened.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now