Chapter 4

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Flashback to 2019
Filming Day 10

It's sticky. And wet. And no amount of spraying and teasing could stop Win's hair from getting drenched in sweat.

He has been sweating buckets. It is a surprise he doesn't resemble a dehydrated raisin just yet. It is a miracle he wasn't covered in hives. Win curses at the humidity.

Win starts thinking of weather maps and weather patterns, storm clouds, and climate change. Anything to keep him from over thinking the scene they're about to film.

He looks over to where Bright is sitting. His hair is also being fixed. As usual, his mouth is set in a pout and he stares confidently into the distance.

Win wonders where one can buy such confidence.
And for that matter where one can get such a pout. A pout that could launch a thousand ships. Lips that could - Win's stomach churns. Maybe he should stop thinking about lips.

The director shows them the cameras and their marks. They rehearse their lines. What seems like a hundred lights turn on. Two boom mics hover above Win's head.

He places a breadstick between his teeth, making it dangle in mid air. It trembles ever so slightly.

Win is pretty sure he heard the director shout "action!" but he could not be sure as there is loud thudding sound in his ears.

Bright approaches. His eyebrows knitted together. Looking as stern as the scene dictates.

Win is frozen like a deer in the headlights. He has forgotten what he's supposed to do. Was there anything he was supposed to do? Should he be breathing? He should probably breathe, right?

Bright tilts his head, opens his mouth, and bites down. His lips brush Win's. The contact over in less than a second. The breadstick disappears down Bright's throat. Win can't even blink.

Electricity fills the air.

And just like that Win's life changes.

This was going to change history.
This was going to make them stars.

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