Chapter 26

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Win's mother has always said that he was born bouncing off the walls. He has always been known for his seemingly bottomless well of energy and mirth. As a child, this meant excelling in almost every sport he tries. As a teen, it meant paying more attention to physical education than to math. As an adult, it meant being able to do everything he wanted and needed to do at a level that was physically hard to match.

What is less known about Win is that he has a Type A personality. That behind that always ready grin was a competitive streak and the anxious desire to organize and control.

It was a combination that - paired with his undeniably good looks - made him destined for success. It also meant he was almost always too wound up to sleep - his mind speeding, churning and whirring even in the wee hours of the night: thoughts about a script collide with musings about his TV series offers, careens wildly into thoughts about his five year plan, snowballs into a fear that people still think he has only gotten this far because he was - no use denying it - rich. On and on it goes at full speed. Win was used to it.

But Bright seems to have found the brakes. Or at the very least a way to down shift.

When Bright said Win would not know what hit him  - this wasn't what Win expected.

It started like a bad rom com filled with grand gestures only Win could trace back to Bright.

Like that morning he was on his way to work and almost spit out his coffee laughing when he saw an entire billboard with his face and the giant words: "Have a great day, Win Metawin."  Everyone chalked that off to an overzealous fan but Win knew better.

Or that time he walked into his trailer and found it filled with tiny green toy cars and one giant teddy bear. He remembers surreptitiously sending Bright sound clips of Saetang hilariously panicking over the security breach. In the end, Win was able to convince the manager it was just his siblings pranking him and there was no need for anyone's head to roll.

Win realizes now, those were not the aces up Bright's sleeve.

It is the tenth night in a row that Bright has sent Win a long voice message. The messages differed every day but they were all meant to do the same thing - soothe his mind and lull him to sleep. And they worked.

One voice mail, was Bright softly reading him a poem. Once it was Bright reading him a story.  Another was Bright telling him about a childhood memory - that time he found a baby bird in school. Yesterday, it was him strumming his guitar very softly while singing a couple of Coldplay songs.

Win had become accustomed in those few days to lay on his bed, earphones on, lights off, letting Bright lead him to a land of REM and dreams.

Tonight was different. As Win presses play, he finds himself entranced. Bright was singing again but he is pretty certain he has never heard this song before. The words though felt familiar :

You invade me
My every waking
thought and breath.

You invade me
There is nothing
left in my heart that is mine

You invade me
Turned my life upside down
Taken it all.

And I surrender.
My love I surrender.

You invade me
My love I surrender
I surrender to you

My love I surrender to you

Win sits up wide awake just as Bright's voice whispers good night.

He grabs his phone and makes a call.

"You have some nerve saying good night after that," Win says the moment Bright picks up.

"Hello to you too," Bright says groggily.

"What the hell was that," Win demands.

"I have no idea what we are talking about."

"You wrote a song," Win says as if that explained his late night indignation.

"I did," Bright says. He sighs. "Judging from the anger, I guess you didn't like it."

Win goes silent. He knew full well why he was upset but didn't know if he was brave enough to put it to words.

"You idiot," he says, voice much too mild now to mean it. "I loved it. But you cannot just send me that song when you're so far away. We cannot start a relationship through voice messages."

Now, it's Bright who goes silent for a beat. "Can you repeat the last thing you said?"

"You heard me."

"I am not sure I did."

"Fuck off," Win says, grinning.

"Say it again."

"Start a relationship," Win says in a deadpan but he was still grinning.

They both were.

"Say the B word," Bright teases.

"Bright?," Win asks sweetly, feigning ignorance.

"Boyfriend," Bright says.

All at once Win feels enveloped in a warm comforting hug while simultaneously being hurled into outer space.

"Boyfriend," he says back.

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