Chapter 17

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Win had been home for two days now and he reveled in every moment of it. He liked his life before but boy did he appreciate it now.

The network had told him to take as much time off as he needed but he has never been the kind of person who could sit still. Today, he was jumping back into work, already booked for an afternoon photo shoot and a scheduled Live in the evening.

He gobbles up a whole piece of Spam. And starts cutting into his scrambled eggs when his phone beeps. He opens it, expecting a text from Saetang or from production but instead he finds himself face to face with a cartoon potato flexing its photoshopped arms.

Underneath it a text pops up:
Even this potato has stronger arms than you.

Win looks at the sender's name and clear as day, these were from Bright - insulting him at 8:30 in the morning.

Win puts down his fork and types back.
Brave words from the weakling still in the hospital.

Bright texts back. I am faking my illness for the hospital food. Salt free congee. Yum.

Win types back. Sounds amazing. Save me a bowl.

Win then sends over a photo of himself forking a big bite of Spam, egg, and garlic rice into his wide open mouth.

'What am I doing?,' he thinks the moment the photo is sent. What was he, a 6th grader? And since when did he send anyone selfies?

His phone beeps and he reads Bright's reply.
'Sexy. Should I send this to GQ?'

Win grins, ignoring the heat he feels creeping up his cheeks. He texts back. 'Don't bother, they're already coming over.'

A speech bubble immediately appears on Win's phone. 'Oh so that's where GQ is going after they interview me.' Bright replies and Win can almost see his smirk.

"Such a dickhead," Win mutters but he is grinning from ear to ear.

And that grin hangs on to Win's mouth, refusing to budge even as the day wore on.

It seemed that the dickhead was bored in his hospital suite and was passing the time sending Win the most mundane of messages.

Between every shot and every set up, Win would be greeted by a message or two.

Some about the trials and tribulations of being in a hospital:

They are extracting blood from me so often I wonder if they're using it to keep a handful of baby vampires alive.

Some running commentaries on afternoon soaps :
Triplets separated at birth? Who watches this nonsense.

I am now invested in seeing the youngest triplet ascend the throne. Are these shows made with crack? #TeamLilibet

It was a little surprise every time Win would open his phone, not knowing what random message he was going to receive. He didn't even realize the stoic Bright was this chatty on text.

Win texts back as the the crew prepared the last set up. Telenovelas? Whatever would your fans say if they knew.

The response comes a minute later:
If you ever tell a soul, I will start telling people that you have a crush on an animated tow truck.

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