Chapter 32

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They would be a secret. That was the new plan Saetang drew up with them and they were okay with that.

Ripping them abruptly apart two years ago may have not been the best for their friendship but it did do wonders for their careers - now both known for far more than one romantic comedy series. There was no need to suddenly fuse their career paths back together.

Bright and Win knew the price of fame. Keeping it meant locking away relationships and always seeming single. They have been prepared for this so it did not bother them. What mattered is behind the scenes they now had each other.

Bright snuggles closer to Win, holding on to their last night in Paris. He rests his head just below Win's chin and inhales.
He lets himself imagine a life with him. Stolen kisses before each show. Attending each other's premieres as a show of friendly support. Learning to cook pancakes together. Bright will probably burn the pancakes but Win will forgive him because he will kiss him until he does. Taking vacations around the world together. Kissing in European train stations or on top of pyramids.
He imagines retiring at forty and finally being able to walk around Bangkok hand in hand with Win. Maybe they'd spend Sundays at Chang Mai, going around food markets and walking Win's dogs. Maybe they'd go back to Perpignan and as they walk along the beach, bellies filled with seafood and sweet wine, Bright would propose. He wonders if Win would laugh if he did it with a bracelet made of leather and a guitar pick. He wonders how delicious that laugh would taste against his tongue. He wonders if Win would say yes.

"You seem faraway," Win whispers into Bright's hair.

"I can't wait 'til we're forty," Bright says, his mouth grazing Win's neck, moving down to Win's collarbone.

"I'd ask you why," Win says with a gasp. "But you are making it hard to speak."

"What else am I making hard?," Bright teases as his mouth moves to Win's chest, his hot breath making Win gasp again.

"You're such an ass," Win says.

"I thought I was the one obsessed with asses," Bright retorts, tongue now playing with Win's chest and the gasps from Win become more urgent.

Bright's hands move, caressing Win's taught belly, his hip bones, the warm sinew of his thighs. His lips begin teasing Win without words this time. Dotting the bulge of his biceps, his soft ears, his warm underarms, the silky insides of his thighs.

This was their last night as just Bright and Win and not as celebrities and Bright wants to make each second of it count. He had no plans to rush any part of this. He wanted to take his time worshiping his boyfriend. His love.

Win was going to die. He was pretty sure Bright's master plan was to kill him with want and anticipation. He is moaning shamelessly, begging Bright to do more than just gently kiss and caress. But Bright is ignoring him, tracing his body as if with feathers hidden in his mouth.

Win tries to take control and move but Bright has splayed his arms upwards and is holding both his wrists, whispering to Win that he should lay still.
"Let me taste you, let me memorize you..."
And though Win knows he is just as strong as Bright was and that one hand on his wrists was nothing- he couldn't help but obey. But dear lord this will be his death.

Bright licks his belly button and Win loses his mind.

He pulls Bright's hair, forcing Bright to look at him.

"Please," Win whispers, his whole body bursting with need. "Please my love," he whispers again.

The words crack Bright wide open. He could deny Win nothing. He would give everything he wants. And he does.

- - -

Win lands at the Siam Private Flying hangar. The private jet's doors swing open and he steps out, carefully climbing down the small staircase.

His face brightens when he sees who is waiting for him. It was his mom and dad.
He rushes over and hugs them both.

His dad ruffles his hair before wordlessly climbing into the driver's seat of their Audi Q7 SUV. Win is smothered in his mom's kisses before he can get in the backseat.

"Why are you the ones picking me up?," he asks once they're on the road.

"Are you complaining?," his mom asks, jokingly.

"Am not! I love it. But you didn't have to tire yourselves. I could have met you at home."

"We're not going home," his dad says.


His mom turns to look at him from the front passenger seat. "We're taking you to a meeting. We wanted to be the ones to drive you."

"Meeting? I just landed! I am jet lagged and hungry. Since when did you two become slave drivers?"

His mom rolls her eyes. "So dramatic. Trust me you will want to take this meeting. The director is only available today."

Win's ears perk up. "What director?"

His dad grins. His mom claps her hands in glee.

"What director?," Win asks again.

"Saetang got you a meeting with Chad Stahelski!" Win's mom can't stop clapping.

"Chad Stahelski?," Win asks, eyes now as big as saucers. "John Wick Chad Stahelski?"

Win's father gives a silent nod, still grinning. His mom is squealing in delight.

He texts Bright who was still en route to a music festival in Osaka. He cannot wait to tell him when he lands.

Win wonders when did life become so perfect?

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