Still Still Still Together

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Bright groaned as he tossed the third omelette he has burned into the garbage bin.

You'd think after years of learning to cook, he'd be better at this. But he wasn't. As Win liked to say, he had to be bad at something. God had to be fair somehow.

Bright smiles at the memory of Win teasing his abysmal cooking before ordering in a pizza.

He was tempted to do the same thing tonight. It would be so much easier and would involve so much less smoke. And trash.

But Win was coming home after a month in the US. Dinner had to be more special than take out for his Hollywood star.

Bright's lips twitch, the pride he felt for Win overcoming him. Now, if only feelings could cook a meal.

- - -

The doorbell rings and Bright absentmindedly walks towards the front door, maneuvering through the rowdy french bulldogs , Ferrari and Tuna, who kept circling his legs.

He opens the door fully expecting a delivery man - giving in because he burnt the fourth omelette and realized he doesn't have extra eggs left to victimize.

But instead at the door was a man he has not seen in thirty days and his heart leaps to his throat.


It was all Win could say before Bright smothers him in a hug. He relaxes into it. He's in Bright's arms now. He's home.

Luggage unpacked and forgotten. Kitchen a mess and abandoned. Bright and Win were curled up on the couch, determined to do nothing the rest of the night.

They had just finished rewatching About Time and Die Hard and they were too tired to decide what to watch next that they let Netflix decide.

As the random show loads, Win reaches for another slice of pizza which Bright promptly takes from his hands and bites into before returning it to Win.

"Hey!," Win protests.

Bright simply grins at him while chewing.

God Win missed that grin.

He leans over and gently bites Bright's lower lip. "Give me back my pizza," he says in that whiny voice that Bright could never resist.

Just like that they were kissing. Unhurried and sleepy kisses. Kisses of two men who knew they had all the time in the world, a lifetime to taste each other's warm skin, to explore each other's moist mouths , to run their tongues over each other's ears and necks and collarbones.

Bright sighs as Win's hands skate over his chest and it makes Win fill with want. Seven years in and he still cannot get enough of Vachirawit. The more he had of him the hungrier for him he felt.
Thirty days without him had left him ravenous. And that sigh was his undoing.

Bright is startled when Win literally rips his flimsy shirt apart. "Is this how action stars undress?," he jokes into Win's lips. But as he looks up into Win's eyes he sees no humor there, only fire. He grins, he'll take that fire and make Win burn.

- - -

It is three in the morning when Win wakes up and realizes he was still on the couch. His head was against Bright's chest and his limbs intertwined with his. This makes Win smile and snuggle closer to Bright.

"You need anything?," Bright asks sleepily.

"Only you," Win says.

Bright rubs the ring around his finger against the one around Win's. "You already have me."

Win brushes his lips against Bright's chin. "Happy anniversary," he says before giving him a kiss.

"Did you want to go anywhere to celebrate? I booked a table at Sorn but maybe you want to go somewhere else?"

"I want you to take me to bed."

Bright kisses him. "My husband always did taste better than Michelin star food." 

Win wanted to say something witty in response but his mouth was too busy gasping at Bright's fingers who were suddenly all over his body, playing him like a guitar. And god knows how well Bright can play a guitar.

Even now, Bright took his sweet time. He could do this all day, make Win gasp and laugh and moan. He will never tire of it. Never tire of just being with Win.

There were not enough kisses.
Not enough hugs.
Not enough moments to stare at that face.

Not enough omelettes to burn.
Walks in the park.
Sleepy days with their dogs and cat.

Not enough time to cuddle or tickle.
Or to play Mario Kart and FIFA.
Or to argue about who should wash the dishes.

Not enough time to tell him how much he loved him.

Not enough time to put all of these feelings into words.

Seven years today.
And it feels like a blink of an eye.

How many lifetimes would it take for Bright to finally feel they have had enough?

"What are you thinking of?," Win asks him, returning his stare.

Bright smiles at Win and very gently traces his thumb against his chin.

"You. Always you."

You invade me
My every waking
thought and breath.

You invade me
There is nothing
left in my heart that is mine

You invade me
Turned my life upside down
Taken it all.

Every day, I surrender.
My love I surrender.

Let me break every rule for you.
Lay every world to waste.
Offer my soul at your feet.

My love I surrender
Forever and always,
I surrender to you

My love I surrender to you...

- - -

Author's Note:
I would like to thank everyone who gave my story their time. Thank you for reading and liking and commenting.

This was my first ever story here.
I have not written for fun in so long.
My expectations were very low. Hoping maybe for ten people to read this.
But all of you reading this has made it so much more fun to write.

Everything here of course is fiction.
But if one day, those two boys do get married I think my heart will explode.

I cannot wait to see the movie. 💕

I hope you all enjoyed reading this n
I really enjoyed imagining it.

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