SMS between Bright and Win

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Win [8:00 am]
Why am I trending for sending food trucks to public schools?

Bright [8:10am]
Because you are famous. And people like talking about you.

Win [8:12 am]
Ha ha. Seriously. Did you send those food trucks?

Bright [8:13 am]
It depends. Did you like it?

Win [unsent]
I love it.

Win [unsent]
You are amazing.

Win [8:14 am]
I do.

Bright [8:17 am]
Easy there, gorgeous. I thought I was still convincing you to be my boyfriend.
And here you are, already saying I do.

Win [8:19 am]
You are an arrogant asshole.

Bright [8:19 am]
Your arrogant asshole.

Bright [8:19 am]
Should I start getting a tux made?

Win [8:21 am]
🙄 🙄 🙄

Bright [8:22 am]

Win [8:23 am]
It's 8 in the morning!

Bright [8:24 am]
It's just a fruit. Get your mind out of the gutter.

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