Chapter 28

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"Where should we go," Win asks as he urged the convertible down the highway.

"Somewhere I can kiss you."

Win almost lets go of the wheel. "Bright!"

"I have a recording in two hours and I have not seen you in two weeks. I need to be upfront here," came the matter of fact reply.

Win laughs - and when they roll into a red stoplight - pulls in Bright for a kiss.

- - -

This was a very, very bad idea. Bad and stupid and downright moronic but when Win pushes Bright against a wall of books - all reason is burned away by the heat of their bodies being so close.

"How do you even have access to this library?," Bright manages to say before Win's mouth crashes into his.

"Is that really what you want to do right now? Talk about library passes?," Win asks breathlessly.

No, no it is not. What he wanted to do is skate his tongue down the smooth skin of Win's neck. What he wanted was to both slowly savor Win's lips and destroy them with his teeth. What he wanted was to put his hands on that strong chest, those jutting hip bones, everywhere on that body. He wanted Win.

Win wonders what he did so right in his past life to be rewarded this handsomely. He tries to stifle a groan as Bright's tongue darts into his mouth. He tastes the bow of Bright's lips again and again, each time sweeter than the last. He lifts Bright's shirt to steady his hands against the soft flesh just underneath his ribcage, and he can feel himself lose restraint. God help him. Past him must have been a saint.

The kisses turn syrupy now - unhurried and caressing and gentle. Words whispered on glistening skin. A slow dance that was stoking a trailing fire that could lay the world to waste but doesn't. Instead, it's melting away mindless desire, giving way to something deeper. A nameless fluttering moving from chest to chest to the beat of their lips.

Win opens his eyes and sees Bright already staring at him, their lips no longer fused but mere millimeters apart. He keeps his hands on Bright's nape and Bright presses his hands on his waist. They do nothing but look at each other for an amount of time neither measures.

"Enough?," Bright whispers the question, opening his thighs to pull Win a little closer.

"Never," Win breathes as he takes Bright's lips between his.

- - -

It's three in the afternoon on a Monday and the Thai Arts and Sciences Library was all but deserted. It was a yet to be completed private library owned by President Food Factory. The two story building was located just behind the main offices. Win had access because he knew the owner of President Food Factory, more specifically he was the owner's godson.

He was never one to use his connections to his advantage, but as Bright simultaneously feeds him a spoonful of cake and licks away any icing that clings to his upper lip, Win reasons there was no harm in doing so just this once. They were in the reserved section, surrounded by heavy leather bound books in different languages, before them was a picnic of vending machine food. Win was certain they were breaking at least thirty rules right now but Bright Vachirawit was worth breaking a lot of things.

"We need to go soon," Win says, checking the phone he's been ignoring for hours. "Work awaits and I can hear Saetang palpitating from here."

Bright leans close and smiles at Win.
"Sure thing, boyfriend."

Win's mouth falls open. He practically throws his phone away and devours Bright, wanting to taste that maddening word on his tongue.

Saetang will kill them. It would be a welcome death.

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