SMS exchange : Mr. Opas-iamkajorn and Siam Private Flying CEO

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Mr. Opas-iamkajorn :
Any updates on my request? It's been hours.

Siam Private Flying CEO:
Rest assured Siam Private is doing everything in its power to secure a helicopter as per your request.

Mr. Opas-iamkajorn :
So can it fly out tonight?

Siam Private Flying CEO:
Unfortunately, all flights are still grounded. I have coordinated with Mayor Fang as well and it is her opinion that if we fly in this weather we may put your son in more risk.

Mr. Opas-iamkajorn :
May I remind you that my son is also your godson, Pakpao.

Siam Private Flying CEO:
And we will rescue Win soon. You have my word.

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