Chapter 30

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Bright ran out of the train doors. He runs as fast as his legs would allow. He runs full speed towards the figure also running towards him, arms outstretched.

He flings himself into Win's broad chest, his brown coat enveloping them both. His arms encircle around Win's neck and he can feel Win's arms tighten around his waist.

The nine hour train ride melts away as he breathes in the scent of Win - all clean and soapy and peppery. He could stay here all day.

Win buries his head in Bright's neck feeling the cool breeze disappear, replaced by the heat of Bright's wool scarf and the tiny strip of neck caressing the tip of Win's nose.

He had been in Perpignan for a day now, waiting for Bright to arrive from Madrid.
And though the city was undeniably beautiful, he could not quite appreciate its charms - until now that is. Now that he has the reason for this whole convoluted trip in his arms even the sterile train station felt like Versailles.

Few people would know who they are in Perpignan, France. It may even be safe to assume not a soul here would recognize them. But celebrity or not, two gorgeous men hugging by the train tracks was bound to get attention and soon Bright and Win could feel eyes on them.

"We should probably let go," Win whispers into Bright's ear.
"Kiss me first," Bright replies, tightening the hug.

Win laughs but his hand trembles. A kiss in public? For everyone to see? Not behind a wall or in the shadows?

Bright looks up, noticing the tremor. "We don't have to," he says, reassuring Win. "I was only teasing. Let's go get some food, do you -"

The rest of Bright's sentence disappears into Win's mouth. His lips press into his tenderly. It's a quick kiss followed by another and another. They giggle into each other's mouths reveling in the freedom of just being who they are - no cameras or Twitter feeds to worry about.

Win leans in for one more quick kiss but Bright opens his mouth and deepens it. His fingers rake through Win's hair and plays with his ears. Win pulls on Bright's coat, drawing him nearer.

Kissing Bright can feel like wildfire but this kiss felt warm instead of scorching- like melting butter on a stack of sweet and salty pancakes or the first lick of sunlight on a Sunday morning.

It was a kiss that felt like coming home.

- - -

Braised pork shoulder with apricot and sage reduction

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Braised pork shoulder with apricot and sage reduction. White fish and shrimp in a spicy tomato stew. A variety of fruit tarts so small and delicate they looked like they fell out of a fairytale.

The food itself was unbelievable but what made this an absolute dream was the man sitting beside Bright in a restaurant right in the middle of a plaza. The man who'd kiss him after every bite of dessert making his lips sticky with sugar and cream. The man whose hands he has not let go of since this morning. Whose hands he would very much want to never let go of.

He had told Win he liked him. And he did. But as Win turned to Bright and told him about the mime he saw in Paris. As he watched Win's eyes turn into crescents while he animatedly demonstrated how the mime pretended to climb a non-existent flag pole. As Win flipped a chunk of fruit in the air and caught it deftly with his mouth. Bright thought "like" was a lie. This was so much more than that.

- - -
Saetang booked them separate rooms in adjacent hotels. That was, predictably, a waste of money.

Win jumps into bed and snuggles closer to Bright. Even with the heater on, it was still cold in the room so they hid themselves under the thick comforter. They faced each other, only the thin fabric of their pajamas between them.

Their arms tangled, their legs intertwined, their lips bee stung from a whole day of kissing. But they were far from done.

Bright leans forward and Win's lips move as if bewitched, gently searching for Bright's mouth, grinning as it closes in on it, tasting the spearmint toothpaste on their tongues.

Their kisses were as sleepy as they were - slow and breathy and soft.

Bright moves his hips and Win sighs, all his nerve endings coming to life. Their hands unbutton each other's clothes, unravel each other's inhibitions.

When skin was now on skin, sleepiness evaporated. The whole world fell away.
There was only the two of them, drowning in every new sensation.

And it was all new. A first for both men in more ways than one.

As they bit, clawed, kneaded, pressed, enveloped, straddled, swallowed, and gasped - Win found himself offering more than just his body. He was very aware as he moaned into the sheets, he was also surrendering his heart.

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