Chapter 16

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Win carefully moves his arm as to not wake Bright up. Since arriving in Bright's room, Win has witnessed the nurses come and go out at least six times, each time extracting blood or administering medicine. It was no wonder Bright was knocked out cold, it all looked exhausting.

Mrs. Vachirawit had gone home to get a fresh change of clothes and to make sure the pets were fed. Mr. Saetang was probably outside talking to hospital administrators about Lord knows what.

Win had to go back to his room, his mother had sent him several texts. The doctors weren't happy that he's been away for so long. His VIP status could only buy him so much time. And he has definitely used up every second.

Win stands up and is about to step away from the bed when Bright stirs. Win bends over and begins to make shushing noises to lull him back to sleep. It seems to be working, Bright's breathing begins to slow.

But without warning Bright sits up with a jolt, as if waking from a bad dream. His face crashes into Win's.

It should hurt but Win is too focused on the proximity of their heads to register any sensation except that of his lips brushing the tip of Bright's nose.

He should move his head away but it's as if he had transformed into a statue, transfixed by Bright's sleepy half-open eyes.

He realizes Bright is not moving too. This makes Win's tongue lodge in his throat.

Bright gently exhales, his breath tickling Win's neck. He swallows, this movement slides his lips lower, now just a hair away from -

"Alright Win! Let's go!"
Saetang walks in, bellowing loudly as he fishes out his Bluetooth earphones and fumbles for their case.

He looks up just in time to see Win hit his head on one of the over hanging monitors.

"Watch your step!" Saetang says. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Win says rubbing his now sore head. How many bumps did it he have to endure today? "Just clumsy."

"Hallway is empty. Ready to go?"

Win cannot bring himself to look in Bright's direction. He straightens himself up, slips on his cloth mask, and wordlessly pushes his IV machine towards the door.

Saetang scratches his head in confusion. After all the commotion and stress wanting to see each other has caused Saetang, these two weren't even going to wave good bye? Not even a 'see you later'? 'I will never understand celebrities,' he sighs to himself.

He follows Win out of the room.

- - -

Win's thoughts were all over the place. He even walked past his own hospital room door and would not have noticed if Saetang didn't call out to him.

Seated with his family over dinner, he could hardly absorb the stories his brother was telling or his mom's questions.

It was noisy in his head - mostly his inner voice shrieking like a banshee. Or one of those screaming goats.

"Win." Wendy puts a hand on her son's shoulder. "Have you heard a word of what I have been saying?"

Win feels guilty. He should be paying attention to his family. "Sorry Ma, could you repeat what you said?"

"I was asking if you are ready to be discharged tomorrow."

Was he? If he left he'd have no more excuse to go back to the east wing.

'What am I thinking?,' Win berates himself. Why did he need to ever go back to the east wing? He did his duty. That's done. Of course, he'd rather go back home. He misses his home.

"Win?," Wendy asks.

"Yes, of course. Super ready," Win answers.

Wendy gives him a look but says nothing and instead refills his plate with more beef and basil.

- - -

Bright cannot get back to sleep.

Every time he closes his eyes, he feels Win's hands on his jaw and he cannot decide if he wants to keep his eyes closed or tape them open.

He puts his head in his one working arm. 'Get a grip Bright,' he scolds himself. Maybe it's all the medicine messing him up. Maybe he should ask the doctors to check if the infection has affected his brain.

His phone buzzes and he picks it up with lightning speed.

"Oh. Hi mom." Bright shakes hair off his eyes. "I am not disappointed that it's you who called. I sound normal. I'm just tired. Okay. Please take care. See you in a few minutes. I love you, Ma."

Bright puts his phone back down. He closes his eyes and like clockwork, he feels it. Fingers on his jaw, lips almost on his cupid's bow, eyelashes on his brows.

Bright groans in frustration as he opens his eyes. What he needs is the TV remote and an action movie. That's all he needs.

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