Chapter 18

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The thing is the call didn't end. No one's fingers reached for the red button. No one said good bye. In fact, for a few seconds now, no one has said a word.

Bright didn't mind the silence. He places the phone on the tray table in front of him and puts it on speaker as he reaches over for the tupperware of cookies his mom left for him. He bites into one.

Win finally speaks. "What are you eating?"

"Cookies," Bright says, a crumb of cookie falling to his chest. "My mom makes them with oatmeal and white chocolate."

"White chocolate?" Win crinkles his nose.

"What's wrong with white chocolate?"

"Nothing. I just didn't see you as a white chocolate kind of guy."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Win shrugs. "You know, sweet. You don't seem like someone who likes it sweet."

"What kind of chocolate do I look like then?"

Win thinks for a moment, food is something he knows. And if Bright were a dessert, what would he be? "I don't know. Maybe something darker. More intense. Bitter before it becomes sweet."

Win leans back on the pillows on his bed and thinks. "Maybe like a bonbon. Dark chocolate on the outside , you bite it and you get a shock of caramel on the inside."

Bright begins to cough. Win snaps out of his dessert daydreams. "Are you okay?"

Bright regains his composure. "Yeah! I'm actually getting discharged this Saturday," he says.

"Too bad. I bet you'll miss the congee."

"I think I figured out the recipe. It's three pieces of bond paper soaked in hot water for ten minutes."

They laugh. Each complements the other, making it sound like music.

"Seriously though," Win says as he rifles through the mini refrigerator in his room. "I am glad you're better. You had us scared for a moment there."


"You do know you have like seven million followers on Instagram,right?"

"You know how many followers I have?"

Win opens and closes his mouth like a goldfish before he could respond. "Saetang doesn't shut up about our numbers. You know that."

"So us is you plus my fans. Does that also make you my fan?" It's not possible to hear a facial expression but Win can swear he can hear the arrogant cock of Bright's eyebrow.

"Uh - "

Mercifully, Win's two dogs come running into his room. A harried caretaker follows them, apologetic.

Win simply smiles at him and mouths "It's okay." Letting the two dogs trample on his bed.

Bright could hear the soft yapping. "Doggies!" He quips in a high sugary voice Win has not heard in a long time.

"Do you want to see them?," he asks. And without waiting for a response presses the video on button.

He is greeted by Bright's eager face, eyes shining like stars. His view is immediately blocked by his two dogs who gravitated to Bright's eager baby talk.

"How are you," he coos. "Awww your so widduw. Look at your cutewiddiwears. Who loves you? Everybody wuvs you."

Win starts laughing. "I should record this. This is perfect for blackmail."

"They're just so cute. I want to stuff them in my mouth." Bright mimes chewing.

This makes Win laugh some more. And when he opens his half moon eyes, he sees Bright looking at him.

Win freezes, something he seems to keep doing around Bright. Before he could find anything to say, one of the dogs jumps up on his arm and sends his phone flying across the room.

"Bad dog, Bentley!" he chastises as he runs to pick up the phone. It was still working, no cracks on the screen but definitely no more Bright either.

A message pops up.
"I think that's the universe telling you to rest."

Win replies. "I think that message was for you Vachirawit. Seeing as you're the weakling in the hospital."

"Top secret but I am actually here to become the next super soldier. Captain Thailand."

Win snort laughs, imagining Bright in a dorky red, blue, and white costume. He replies: More like the next Hulk.

Five minutes go by and Win's phone remains silent. He sits in bed, pretending not to stare at it as he cuddles with his two beloved pets.

It buzzes. "Good night Win."

He smiles despite himself and buries his face in Bentley's fur.

"Good night Bright. 🌙"

- - -

Today was busier than yesterday. Win was already in the studio for hair and make up by seven am.

He had two shoots today plus three promotional videos to record in between.
There was no time for breakfast. No time to check his phone. He was hoping though there would be time to at least guzzle an iced coffee.

As if through telepathy, Daisy Mae materializes beside him with a thermos and a paper bag in hand.

He looks at her quizzically.

"Mrs. Vachirawit stopped by on her way to the hospital," Daisy said. "She told me these are for you."

He opens the paper bag and pulls out a box of freshly baked white chocolate and oatmeal cookies. He opens the thermos next and the dressing room is filled with the smell of freshly brewed Jasmine and Raspberry tea.

Win searches for the phone he had been ignoring all morning. There is one text.

"See? I can be sweet."

Win takes a big gulp of the tea to hide the gigantic smile he can feel forming on his lips.

But the way Daisy Mae is looking at him, it doesn't seem like he was doing a very good job hiding anything.

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