Chapter 36

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Two years ago
Three months after the end of
Brightwin's TV series

Angels would gnash their teeth with envy if they could see what the crowd saw that night. Smoke and lights parted to reveal a lean yet muscular physique swathed in silver paired with a face that was at once innocent and domineering.

Win Metawin waves to the adoring crowd and they scream, as if decibels could make him theirs.

He takes the microphone and he gives a smile to Lara, his current co-star. She blows a kiss back. He takes that as his cue to sing.

A hush falls on the crowd as they drink in his voice. Hard to believe that only a year ago, Win would get nervous every time he'd need to sing. Now, in this moment, he owned that stage and he moved like he knew it.

'He's right where he belongs,' thinks a hooded figure, hiding in the shadows of the left most corner of the stage. His bow shaped lips twitch into a small smile.

Bright felt proud of Win. Happy for all his success. But at the same time there was a pang in his chest he could not name. He stares at him from afar, remembering all the times he could do so up close. Remembering the flecks of gold mixed in with the dark brown. Remembering how easy it was to pretend to get lost in those eyes. How easy it was to act like he was in love.

Fireworks go off all around Win, as he does a spin. Once he is facing the crowd again, he lifts his arms to the sky and he shimmers.

Bright had stopped talking to Win months ago. He hasn't returned a call nor a text. He had begged out of every cast hangout which he knew Win would attend.

Because those were the rules now. They could not be friends. They could not be close. And Bright has never been someone who did things halfway. It was all or nothing and he had to choose nothing. Their careers depended on him choosing nothing.

He finally tears his eyes away from the stage. But even as he closes them, the image of Win is burned in his retina.

'He deserves this,' Bright thinks as he fixes his hoodie and cloth mask. 'He deserves to be the biggest star.'

It was hard to let him go. Hard to be reduced to sneaking a look whenever he missed being by Win's side. But all he could offer was friendship. And what was one friendship compared to the love of millions all around the world?

The plan of the network was working. Bright needed to accept this and walk away once and for all.

So he does.

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