SMS between Wendy Opas-iamkajorn and Win Opas-iamkajorn

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Text message exchange
One week since acting workshops begun

Win [11:05 am]:
Ma, are you really okay that I am doing this?

Mama [11:06 am]:
You know that your father and I love
you unconditionally, sweetie.

Win [11:06 am]:
I want to keep doing this.
But not if it will cause our family any problems.

Mama [11:07 am]:
I am not a perfect mother.
But I hope if I have taught you one thing it is this- you never apologize for what you want and who you are. As long as you're not hurting anyone, pardon my French, who gives a fuck about what other people think.

Win [11:08 am]:
You're swearing?!

Mama [11:09 am]:
I am cooler than you think.

Win [11:09 am]:
I think you're the coolest.

Mama [11:15 am]:
Now, it's my turn to ask. Are you ready for this? To show the world you love a boy?

Win [11:30 am]:
World? Am lucky if ten people watch the series.

Mama [11:30 am]:
Answer the question. Are you ready to show the world that you love a boy?

Win [2:11 pm]:
It's fake. All acting. I am ready! 🤪🤪🤪
I am Thailand's best new actor! 😅😅😅

Mama [unsent]:
I will support you, fake or real. We love all of  who you are, my sweetie.

Mama [2:55 pm]:
Ok Best New Actor! See you for dinner! We love you.

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