A star

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Spoilers from Liyue, if you have not done the Liyue story quests I recommend reading at your own discretion.

For krazylee , I recommend reading their books.


"Look in the sky!"
A child points up to the two golden stars falling from the sky.

"Honey, get inside, you'll catch a cold."
The mother scolds, tempting her son to enter the warm house.

"Fine...bye shooting stars. I hope that one day, I'll find my soulmate."
The boy whispers, clasping his hands together.

"Aleksandr Volkov, get inside now or you will catch a cold."
She says for the last time, the boy groans. Snow falling onto the top of his nose.

"Coming mama!"
The blond boy runs into his house, the snow fell around the Tsaritsa Ivey palace.

For that was the first sighting of the stars.


"Xiao, do pay attention."
Madame Ping calls out to the Adeptus. He sat near her table, right near her serenitea pot.

Her arms were crossed behind her back, as she continued her story.
Xiao huffed, not willing to listen to the "nonsense" Madame Ping was so eager to tell him.

Madame Ping shook her head at the Yaksha's obviously annoyed expressions. She knew how much he had hated being in public. However, it would be easier for her to drag him out here.

"Adeptus Xiao, have you heard of the tales of soulmates?"
Xiao tapped his foot impatiently, the same cold expression was worn on his face.

The salty ocean breeze was a strong scent, mixed in with the smell of Liyue cuisine.

The sun was out high, it's golden rays made the water glisten.
"Adeptus Xiao."
Madame Ping's expression softened.

"I know you don't believe in soulmates but they are real."
Madame Ping said firmly, walking back and forth of the concrete.

Xiao kept his arm crossed, and sat with his feet hovering above the floor.
"Long ago..."

Xiao shifted in the chair, ready to face a long lecture of love. Which he has received many times before.

"There was the god of Love. He used red strings to tie together the livings fates. It's said that this one string connects those to link with souls. Even if one tries to sever the connection, it will never break. For that is what soulmates are."
Madame Ping concludes, turning back at the dark haired Yaksha.

"...I do not care for soulmates, I need no one."
Xiao says, getting up from the chair.

Madame Ping shakes her head, "Dear child, listen to an old lady for once. You deserve happiness, even in the love section."

Madame Ping hums, turning to her teapot.
Xiao sighs, summoning his spear and vanishing into a puff of green and black smoke.

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