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Xiao tried to block Ganyu from reaching madame Ping.
The small Yaksha kept putting himself in front of the half Adeptus.

"Adeptus Xiao, I promise I can assist if we talk to Madame Ping."
Xiao's brows furrowed at the thought of having to seek help from Madame Ping. Even after all the soulmate lectures.

"We do not need her help, we must seek another's assistance."
Xiao argued, Ganyu kept walking.

Xiao's heightened speed stopped her every move.
"Madame Ping!"
Ganyu yelled, raising her hand.

Madame Ping waved at Ganyu, walking towards the two Adepti.
"Is your mortal side failing you?! I told you that calling her is not the answer-"

"Hello Xiao, hello Ganyu."
The Adeptus welcomed. Xiao jumped abruptly, turning around to see the Adeptus.

"Hello Madame Ping, can I ask you a question?"
Ganyu asked, bowing her head.
Madame Ping wore a bright smile, her greying hair brushed her face.

"Why of course dear, what is it you need from me?"
Ganyu bowed her head numerous times.

"Please assist us in bringing the traveler. Can you take him to dinner while we watch from afar?"
Madame Ping nodded her head, arms folded behind her back.

"If you would like, it is almost dinner. I will take him to the Liuli pavilion."
And with that Xiao could feel his heart drain.

Madame Ping hummed while walking away.
Xiao turned to Ganyu, "That was not an intelligent move."

Ganyu smiled softly, tilting her head.
"If I can find happiness in a soulmate, you can too."

Xiao narrowed his eyes in disgust.


"This is not very thought out."
Xiao sneered, watching from behind the divider.

Ganyu kept quiet, listening carefully.
"Traveler, long time no see. How is the Serenitea pot?"
Madame Ping asks, a smile plastered on her face.

"It's been well, thanks for gifting it to me. Tubby and Chubby have been really kind during the process."
Aether said, sitting himself across from Madame Ping.

"Yeah! And Paimon gets her own room. And Paimon gets to eat so many yummmmy foods~"
Paimon squealed, mouth watering at the tasty foods.

"Speaking of, let's order."
Madame signaled the waiter, who took the groups order.

The rest of the conversation was mumbled as Xiao and Ganyu tried to watch the string on Aether's finger.

Most people cannot see the line connected to others. Only themselves, but if an Adepti tries hard enough they can open their eyes to see the string around others.

Ganyu sighed, "I cannot see the string, I must try harder."
Xiao ignored Ganyu's pleas and self criticism. He was too busy staring at the red string tying him and Aether together.

Xiao's heart dropped, he tried to slip off the string. However that didn't work, he then tried pulling the string apart.

To have it fail once more, Xiao tried stretching it even more.
An unseen force pulled him through the divider.

Paimon screamed, seeing Xiao take down the divider and flop onto the floor.

Ganyu, realizing that the divider is now on the floor. Covered her face, growing red.

"I-I have to go to work!!"
And with that the mighty cryo Adeptus ran out of the restaurant in a hurry.

The waiter and waitress didn't bat an eye, continuing to converse with each other.
"Xiao?" Aether said, tilting his head in confusion.

Xiao stated firmly.

Paimon said proudly, bobbing her head up and down.


"You seem unsettled."
Madame Ping noted, Xiao shook his head in response.
The old Adeptus made a bit of a frustrated expression before leaving.

Aether waved Madame Ping goodbye at the entrance.
Paimon had already left to her little pocket realm.

Xiao sighed, looking at the midnight sky. "Xiao?"
Aether waved his hand in front of the Adeptus.

Xiao looked at the sunshine boy, his golden eyes glowed in the moonlight.
Xiao looked at the palm of his hand, closing his eyes.

"Traveler, would you like to accompany me at Wangshu inn tomorrow?"
Xiao asked, glancing at the traveler. Aether looked around the city, mumbling something.

The traveler, held a small smile. "Sure, I will swing by tomorrow at lunchtime."
The blond-haired traveler shot a wink before walking in the direction of the adventurers guild.

Xiao watched as the red line stretched, the Yaksha was at a loss of words.


The Adeptus stood quiet, listening the then breeze of the night air as it calmed his beating heart.

At peace he drifted to sleep.


"Adeptus Xiao I-"
Ganyu was caught off guard by Xiao swiping away her hand.

"Do not dare to touch me."
Xiao snarled, tears packed in the corners of his eyes. Ganyu's gaze fell to the ground.

"It's okay, I know you miss her. I promise that-"
Xiao once again, cuts her off by walking away.

The Yaksha paused, his feet digging into the soil. Feet away from the many graves that were made for all fallen soldiers.

"I do not miss her, she was nothing."
Xiao gritted his teeth, continuing to walk away as rain poured onto the ground.

His boots stepped into puddles. The sound of dripping water filled his ears. Gazing up at the sky, Xiao held his tongue.

Letting a teardrop fall from his eye.
The tear fell down his cheek, before blending with the other droplets of water.

The Yaksha sniffled, a small whimper escaping the short figure.
"I can't protect you, I can't protect anyone."

As Xiao drowned in his depths of sorrow, evil karma began to plague him.


Xiao woke up from his dream. Panting and holding onto the roof of the inn as support. As to not fall off the rooftop.

He glanced at his hand, seeing the red string still intact.
Xiao sat himself up, pulling his knees to his chest. The dark sky was lit up by thousands of stars.

The Yaksha mumbled to himself,
"Memories. Tsk, what nonsense."

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