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A couple of hours later the traveler climbed up the mighty flight of stairs. Where Xiao awaited at the top.

Aether smiled, waving his hand at the Yaksha. Xiao glanced at the traveler, gesturing for him to sit in the chair across from Xiao.

Xiao was sat in one of the wooden chairs most common in Liyue.
A nice place to talk, and set right on the Adeptus' terrace.

The traveler adored the sight, before sitting down on the chair.
"I had ordered an almond tofu, if you would like you can go ahead and order for yourself."

Xiao said in a reserved tone.
The Yaksha often looked away from the traveler, gapping his finger whilst he waited for food. Or his hands sat in his lap where he would stare at the floor.

Aether began to start a conversation.
"You seem pretty odd today, what's wrong?"
This particular mortal was always so open and bothersome, Xiao noted.

The Adeptus responds briefly, "It is none of your concern."

"Then why did you call me here?"

"You already come here uninvited, what is the problem with me inviting you of my own volition."
Xiao scoffed, Verr Goldet had taken the duty to deliver the Xiao's tofu.

She set it down on the table with a smile.
"Hello traveler, it's already later in the lunch period but would you like anything?"

Aether nods vigorously, "One sticky honey roast to go, please? And Jade parcels."
Verr Goldet nods her head, turning towards the stairs.

Aether focuses his attention back on Xiao. Who had already lost himself in the conversation.

"Xiao? Xiao, what's bugging you?"
Aether asked, tone more demanding. His blond brows furrowing while golden eyes grew frustrated.

"It is nothing."
Xiao responded once more, biting the inside of his cheek.

"I've known you for a while, and-"

"Don't you dare act like you know me."
Xiao snarled, arms crossing.
The air grew tense and the traveler's breath hitched.

"Well, d̸i̸d̸ w̸e̸ w̸i̸n̸ t̸h̸e̸ w̸a̸r̸?̸ Or what?"
Aether responded, cleverly asking if they both battled Osial.

"D-did we win...the war?"

That familiar sentence made Xiao remember its darker counterpart.

Xiao asked. His voice sounded drained. Yellow eyes filled with rage, the Adeptus threw an icy glare. Aether had immediately taken back what he had said.

"I-I don't know."
Aether stuttered, Xiao narrowed his eyes. Hatred burned inside of him, an unknown pain gripping his chest.

"You don't know anything. And don't you ever utter that sentence. Get out."
Xiao said tone turned cold.

Aether laughed nervously, smile faltering.
"X-Xiao you're kidding right-"

"I said get out traveler, don't make me kick you out myself."
Xiao could see the obvious hurt in Aether's eyes. But the Yaksha wanted to do all but explain the origins.

Aether stood up, pushing the seat near the table. Xiao's shoulders relaxed as he saw the traveler start down the stairs.

While running down he bumps into Verr Goldet, not stopping or apologizing.
The owner could see the obvious look of distress on the traveler's face.

Glaring at Xiao, she stomps up the stairs. The traveler's food in hand.
"Would you like to explain that?!"
She huffed, not one to yell aloud.
But her voice was most definitely louder than other times.

Xiao could feel angered rage from karma inside him. The guilt inside him he mutters,
"It is nothing the likes of you should worry about."

Disappearing off the balcony.


Xiao tangled the red string tied to his pinkie. Rage grew inside him, as he fiercely kicked a rock in front of him. Sending it hurtling towards a tree.

Xiao exhales, continuing on the path to the Cuijue slope.
Dark colors swallowed the once glittering sky, instead of the beautiful outlandish look. Xiao faced a sky of loneliness.

He did not fear the dim lighting like mortals. Instead, he basked in its glory, for in the dark you can only follow one light.

Xiao contemplated whether yelling at the adventurer was a mistake. But Xiao was stuck, he didn't want to admit his wrongdoing.


"Aether, are you okay?"
Paimon asked, sitting down next to Aether. The traveler was in his Adepti provided abode. Sulking on the couch.

"You know, even after all this sibling drama it feels like there is nothing for me in this world."
Paimon's shoulders deflated at the blond's words.

"It's just some Adeptus, he likes to be dumb. Oh! Paimon had an idea! Paimon will get you this yummy tea that Zhongli gave us!"
Paimon excitedly sprung from the couch and floated out of the room in a hurry.

Aether sighed, a small pout forming on his lips.
"Heh, just an Adeptus huh.

It sucks my soulmate hates me"

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