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The author: Xiao angst, Xiao angst, Xiao angst.


"Don't feel down traveler, at least we know that to find your sister we need to travel to all the nations."
Paimon said cheerfully.

"Have you heard of soulmates Paimon?"
Aether asked the pixie, Paimon nodding her head.

"Paimon knows it's part of Liyue's culture. Why do you ask?"
Paimon asked curiously.

"Yeah, I don't need one anyway. I have your after all."
Aether said trying to cheer himself up.

"Yeah! You have Paimon!!"
Paimon said proudly, dismissing Aether's sad tone.

"We should ask around before we leave to Inazuma!"
Paimon said, leading Aether into Liyue harbor.


Xiao got out of the border. Looking at the warm light. "Tsk, sunlight already."
Xiao's eyes were puffy, quite obvious the boy had done some more crying.

The Adeptus had time to himself, thinking of how he got here. Who did he want to stay loyal to. Break his promise for her, or do as she asked and follow Aether.

Xiao looked at the red string around his finger. Seeing that the line started to turn transparent, his eyes widened whilst his heart beats increased.

Xiao quickly composed himself, looking up at the sky before leaving no trace behind.

The boy appeared on Wangshu inn's rooftop in a matter of minutes.
Verr Goldet was sitting in the balcony.

"Someone came to their senses fast."
Verr Goldet smiled, nudging her head in the direction of Liyue harbor.
"He passed a couple minutes ago."

Xiao nodded his head, disappearing into the wind once more.
He landed on the roof of Xinyue Kiosk.

"Where is that traveler?"
Xiao hissed under his breath, meanwhile Aether was busy taking down visionless citizens.



Xiao was at a loss of words, unable to find the traveler he was so desperately searching for.

An idea popped in his head, looking down at the string around his pinkie. Only to see the once bright red fading into nothing.

The Yaksha made quick work, following the almost invisible string.
Xiao skids to a stop, peaking over a ledge that was quite steep.

He squinted his eyes, seeing the traveler. Xiao's heartbeat raced, seeing the traveler in one piece. With his companion no less.

Xiao teleports off the mountain, sliding down to reach the sandy beach.
The Yaksha straightened his back, beginning to approach the traveler.

Xiao stopped when he had seen the traveler talking with someone else. The Adeptus got cold feet, hiding behind the cliff. He didn't dare listen to the conversation.

His once fierce and confident self dwindled inside him the longer the three conversed.

This is your fault.

You threw him away of your own accord.

She left before you got the chance to love her and so will he.

Dark voices emerged as they rattled his head with lies.
"They're just lies."
Xiao whispered to himself. Covering his ears like a child.

He slumped against the mountain side, he pulls his legs in close to his chest.
His head rested on his knees. Xiao could feel the humiliation, unable to be loved by any.

And when it came to the one person you aren't meant to have. He had failed to keep an eye on both.

Before he knew it he was softly sniffling. Little droplets similar to rain streamed down his face.


Aether looked down at the string on his finger. Seeing how it was tugging him away from Kazuha.

"I will meet you back at the Crux Clash."
Kazuha said, giving a small wave while he walked away.

"Paimon, can you follow Kazuha?"
The blond asked, his pixie nodded vigorously. Flying over to Kazuha.

Aether shifted his focus back to the string. Following it till he saw a familiar person.

Xiao was crouched down, light cries could be heard if you listened closely.
Aether plopped down next to Xiao.

The Adeptus looked up, a small pout forming at his lips.
He sniffled, wiping away his tears quickly.

Aether didn't say anything, instead letting his right arm rest on Xiao's shoulders.

"I'm sorry."
The traveler whispered, shifting his position so he was in his knees. In front of the Adeptus.

Aether pulled Xiao into a hug, the Yaksha's head lying on the blond's chest.
"You should not apologize."

The blond didn't say anything, while Xiao sniffled softly.


"The traveler has won the crux clash!"
Beidou announced proudly.
Xiao's puffy eyes had turned to normal. While people cheered for the visionless Traveler.

"I am guessing you are the traveler's companion."
Kazuha commented. The two were standing alone, therefore no one could hear their conversation.

"I am nothing more than a blade for his hand."
Xiao said, facing the sand.
Kazuha struck a thinking position.

"A poem, a haiku, free verse?
Most loves are short, looking at you both that is not the sort, a pair tied together forever. Is something that many endeavor."
Kazuha glances at Xiao, while the Adeptus remained confused.

"You both make quite the pair, I would hope you keep it up."
Kazuha then walked away without another word. Following the crowd of people.

Xiao couldn't help but wonder, How many mortals act strange like that one?

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