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This soulmate concept is brought to you with the help of Ashiya-Karomi

Xiao paced back and forth, looking outside the window to see the sun starting to set. "We lost him, he's lost in and-"

"He is not lost, though I am not in Liyue and cannot summon his spirit. I am for certain he is not lost. I cannot go somewhere I have never known of."
Xiao noted, Thoma kept a look of worry on his face.

The Adeptus summoned the emergency food. "Travel guide, is Aether's whereabouts known to you?"
Xiao asks while Paimon appears from constellations.

"I was with Aether, he uh, ran into a talking statue with a bunch of Tanuki." Paimon explained, Thoma's eyes lit up, "I know exactly where he is! I will tell lady Ayaka of the traveler's whereabouts."
Thoma hurried out of the house in Konda village, running down the dirt pathway.

"Food, mind showing me to where the traveler is?"
Xiao asked, dematerializing his polearm.
"I am not foo- nvm, let's go."
Paimon sighed, floating out of the house. Xiao closed the door behind him before continuing to what seemed to be a small forest.

Chinju Forest

The blond found another Tanuki after what felt like ages, Aether let the small animals go back to the statue. Where the blond sat and waited for a response. "Thank you for bringing my children back to me-"
Aether nodded his head, unfocusing mid-conversation.

Xiao is probably wondering where I am. I should've told him.
The blond scolded himself in his head.
Once the statue was done taping Aether went on his way. "Back to Konda village."
The blond whispered steps were light as he hummed a sweet tune.

Before hearing the cackle of a cicin mage. Aether whips around and sees the member of the fatui swaying as she glided down the steps to Aether. The blond readied his sword, holding it up. Aether was about to charge before Xiao appeared, dashing and throwing the mage against the rock wall.

The Yaksha deals a single strike. Killing the mage instantly as her body sunk into the ground. Xiao turned to the traveler, yellow eyes scanning the blond's surface.

"That was reckless."
Xiao muttered, standing still. Aether avoided eye contact, looking everywhere but his soulmate. "I am, apologetic."
Xiao mumbled, slowly walking to Aether.

"I didn't mean for you to join on the accord, the action was selfish." Xiao could feel a hurt arise in his chest, black energy spilled from his body. "And-" The Yaksha had lost consciousness before being able to continue.

Falling forward Aether quickly dives, catching Xiao in his arms.


Aether sniffled, holding onto Xiao's hand.

The Adeptus wakes up from peppered kisses.
Xiao shot up, blushing heavily.

The two were back in the home, Xiao was rested on a futon while Aether sat beside him. "You're finally awake."
The blond said in a relieved sigh, glancing around the room.

"Do you desire something?"

"Nothing more than your safety."
The blond responded, smiling softly.
Aether let his mouth hang, biting his lip unconsciously.
"I'm sorry, for being immature."

Aether played with the red string connecting them. "The only one at fault is me," Xiao responded, lying his head on the pillow. "No, the fault is mine to bear."
Aether frowned, poking the Adeptus in the cheek.

"Ah-" Xiao blushed, hiding his face behind his hands. "Enough, you should rest as well."


The Adeptus waited for what felt like forever. Although his body was lighter he felt an ever-growing pain in his chest.
"This feeling I am unfamiliar with."
Xiao whispered to himself, flipping over and trying to pick himself up. "Paimon is supposed to watch you, Xiao. Paimon can't let you get up to Aether is done with the work Ayaka asked him to do."

Xiao ignored how the pixie appeared from thin air. Stumbling to the doorway. The Adeptus slipped on his shoes, glancing back at Paimon who was wearing an angered expression.

"Where is the traveler?"

"Kamisato estate."
Paimon murmured, Xiao, nodded his head then disappeared into anemo.


Xiao gathered himself, pushing the doors to the estate. The Adeptus sees Aether and Ayaka talking. The only thing was there was a red string connecting Ayaka and Aether.

The blond turned to see his significant other. "This is my partner, Xiao. Ayaka, Xiao."

"Nice to meet you, Xiao, I am Kamisato Ayaka. I owe you a lot for getting the traveler to listen to me."
The girl greets, holding a fan to her face.
"It was my pleasure."

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