A voyage of ships

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I guess I'm back, for a season two. Did you miss me?

Aether looked out from the boat's side. Watching Inazuma grow closer. "Finally! Xiao look!"
Aether pointed towards the port.
Xiao nodded his head absentmindedly.

"Let's go!!"
Paimon squealed, seeing Inazuma in the distance. Once the boat docked the group hopped off. Being greeted by a blond male Xiao trailed behind the group. His expectations of Inazuma weren't high, but leaving Liyue felt different.

"Over there in Narukami island, I will meet you guys there. Good luck!"
And with that, the blond male left. Xiao turned to Aether, tilting his head slightly.
"What now?"

Aether smiled softly and reached out his hand. Intertwining his fingers with the Adeptus he led Xiao around Ritou.
"So many good foods, I wonder what the main island will have for dishes."
Aether was willing to master all kinds of dishes, and Xiao knew that.

The two finished up shopping and began to walk on the shore. "Where did your companion go?"
Xiao asked, eating a piece of fried fish.

"She likes to go to her little pocket dimension."
Aether explained, continuing to walk on the shore.
"Hey, look there are some people over there who seem like they need help!"
The blond said, looking at a group of three. Running towards them, Xiao sighed, "Idiot."


Aether flopped onto the bed, inhaling the smell of the spare house. "The old people in Konda village are so nice! They even have us a temporary living space."
The blond said excitedly.

"Do you not want to use your teapot?"
Xiao scoffed, Aether immediately shot up.
Xiao immediately placed a hand on the blond's mouth.

"Humans do not like to be disturbed in their mortal rest. No need to use the teapot for now."
Aether nodded his head hesitantly.
"Tomorrow I'm going to go see the shogun, I will understand this world for my sister."
The blond said proudly.

Xiao nodded his head, kissing the blond on the cheek. "Go to sleep, I will take watch."
Aether smiled softly, closing his eyes.


"You think you can escape suffering by using someone else?"


"One who has slain many deserves nothing but cruel judgment."

"The karma binding you to these grounds is all that matters."


"Death follows your moves."

"Xiao, wake up!! Morax is having a meeting."


Xiao sits up, huffing he looks around. The Adeptus who was speaking to him was not there. Only the gentle presence of Aether.

Another nightmare

Xiao's memory did not fail him, dreams were vivid, he preferred not to sleep because of it.
Xiao put on his boots and wandered outside of the small home. The moon was high up, surveying the clouds with a silver light.

The Yaksha walked on the dirt path, walking to the big city. Unsure of what awaited him there he watched the land.

"She has died."
Common folk whispered, counting their dead.
"No longer is she."
"She was my soulmate, I messed up, I couldn't save her who knows if I can protect Liyue."
Xiao said in a quivering voice.
"Vigilant Yaksha do not doubt your strengths! She would've wanted you to live then drown yourself in despair."
Ganyu responded, eyes glossy.

Xiao clutched his chest, feeling a harsh pain arising.
"My karma, it seems to react to the memories."
The Yaksha notes, closing his eyes. Wishing to be freed from the weight of karma.


Aether says briefly, turning to leave the Kamisato estate.
Xiao certainly didn't expect this from his lover.
"Aether, we should hear them out."
Xiao interrupted, the blond paused in the doorway.

Turning to the Yaksha with an unhappy expression.
"Please, I can get you to the shogun."
Ayaka bargained, Xiao looked at Aether for an answer.

The blond sighed in defeat, "Okay, I will assist you. Keep your end of the deal."
And with that Aether left a cold atmosphere.

Xiao silently followed after the traveler. Uncertain of what had just occurred. "Traveler."
Aether did not turn around, instead, continuing to walk.
"Traveler? Is there something that bothers you? I-"

"Xiao, please, I don't have time to help them on their private little affairs."
The blond pouted, shaking his head slowly. "I didn't mean to put you in a position where you were forced to abide."
Aether sighed, holding out his hand to stop Xiao from getting close.

"I'm gonna go take a walk."
Aether muttered, walking in the opposite direction as Xiao.
The Adeptus respected the blond, not wanting to disturb Xiao vanished without a trace.


Xiao waited at the doorway of the home. Back against the wall, he silently battled the spirits of the dead. Gripping his chest he could feel evil and hatred burning through.

A firm knock interrupted Xiao's worrying state.
The Adeptus gripped his polearm, using it to help him get up. Xiao opens the door to see the tall blond man standing at the doorway.

"Have you seen the traveler?"
Thoma asks.

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