A disappointing ending

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Do you know what would be funny? If I wrote this whole book and it became Xiaother angst and Xiao went back to Liyue and Aether and Ayaka lived happily ever after haha... haha.

Leave him be
You are nothing more than a mistake
All the deaths you've caused will leave you helpless
You don't deserve anyone"

Xiao gripped the pillow, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Traveler, I'm sorry. I believe you, come back."


"So uh what now?"
Paimon asked.

Ayaka relayed the instructions before the two travelers.
"Let us continue, perhaps she lives here comfortably."
Aether held out his hand with a small smile. The blue-haired girl took his hand, thankful for his presence.

As the group adventurer, the cavern Aether and Paimon happened upon an inner cave. "This looks like-" Aether froze, he thought he saw a shadow. But it was nothing more than Paimon moving to his place. "What? Looks like what?" The pixie asked.

The blond looked down, "We need to go get Ayaka."


"Wake up."
Xiao's eyes widened, huffing, gasping for air.
"Again? A dreamlike state that occurs for the smallest amount of time." Xiao analyzed, looking up to golden eyes.

"You're awake!" She shrieked, scooting back. The two were in a flower field, decorated in glaze lilies. "Why, why do you keep coming back to haunt me?" Xiao dared to speak, however, the Adeptus didn't look surprised. She looked annoyed.

"You know, after all this time you still haven't learned to ask people how they're feeling. It's been 1000 years no maybe 700." The lady began to speculate, "Anyway, I hope you have an explanation for why you're here."
She huffed.

"I do not know where I am," Xiao muttered a reply. "You don't? Well look around," glancing around the area, the sun was close to setting. The sky was colored orange and pink, with long clouds in the sky.

"The land of the dead."
Xiao said, face of shock. "Close but no, you are at the border. I wish not to see you pass on. Therefore I am here to revive you, but you must promise me. Listen to the lady at the Narukami shrine, she has a point. You dare not to ask your lover for his perspective on the situation."

Xiao frowned deeply, "He might as well lie, it is in human nature." The Yaksha scoffed. The golden-eyed Adeptus was silent, biting her lip. "Listen to me, as my final wish I want you to find Aether and go to the festival with him. After ask him about the strings." And with that she slowly disappeared, Xiao couldn't help but let out a whimper when seeing his old friend pass.


Xiao was awake once again, he silently stood up. Examining the sheets and his clothing. Which smelled very much like saltwater. "How dreadful." The Yaksha scoffed, running to the bathroom he washed. Washing clothes and hanging them on the side.

How much time had passed by? He's unsure. But the sun rising was enough to make him question the timeline.

No matter, he didn't know where to start. Without the proper materials summoning his spirit would not suffice. Looking down at his pinkie, Xiao looked at the string leading out the door.


"Paimon, let's give Ayaka space while she reads the book," Aether whispered, dragging Paimon away from the cave. The two appeared on the shore, the sun had risen and small waves climbed the sand.

"It may be a while till she comes out again. Paimon is going to punch that stupid Adeptus in the face." She scowled, stomping her feet in the air.

"I don't know, he's been acting weird and I think he's starting to think I enjoy spending time with Ayaka more than him," Aether muttered, watching the blue water fight with another wave.

"Don't be so stupid, it's his fault for not listening to you. You cried, no partner should ever make another cry." Paimon scolded, however, she failed to notice the Adeptus who was listening from above the cave. His legs hung over the cliffside as he listened to Paimon continue. Every word hit him like a dagger, he didn't think about the traveler's feelings. And hearing that he made him suffer was enough to drive Xiao to self-hatred.

"Paimon won't diss, but if you are going to bring him everywhere with us he needs to be nicer and cooperate!" The fairy ranted, Aether smiled softly, patting her head lightly. "Thanks for thinking of me emergency food." Paimon was about to start another rant until Ayaka came out.

Xiao tried to not glare at the Kamisato clan's daughter. Ayaka began her story while Xiao distracted himself with a piece of grass. "Although my mother had many wishes, one I can not fulfill is going to the festival. Perhaps this is one thing that can simply never be." She said hopelessly.

"It's not your fault with how things are." Aether cooed, Xiao visibly made a throw-up motion. "Why must you be so kind, traveler." The Yaksha chuckled.

"Can we take a look at the festival?"
Ayaka asked, looking at the two travelers.
"Paimons been dying to go ever since we saw that poster." Paimon cried, shaking Aether by the scarf.

"I'm going to be true to myself and fulfill the wish my mother and I shared. So let's do it, let's go visit the festival." Ayaka smiled softly. Although the traveler was tired with all this running around during the night. Once the festival was done he'd be sure to sleep comfortably on a warm bed.

Xiao noticed the traveler's failure to stay awake properly.
"Perhaps setting a place for the traveler to rest would suffice," Xiao murmured, being engulfed in anemo.

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