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⚠️ talks of injuries and fire ⚠️


"Soulmates, they sound so wonderful don't they, Xiao?"
The Adeptus pranced in the sea of flowers. While Xiao laid on his back against a rock.

"Don't remind me, all this soulmate stuff is making me go insane."
The Yaksha joked, sitting back up.

"Well, I heard that a string around your pinkie will form and link itself to your soulmate. Only you two can see it though."
The Adeptus specified.

Xiao knew full well that happiness was limited, even during the archon war. Therefore treasuring these small moments would be enough.


"Menogias, I would like for you and a couple of other Adepti to guard Dunyu in case of an attack."
The mighty Geo god commanded.

The Yaksha nodded their head, turning to their other fellow Yakshas.
"I'll see you guys soon."
Menogias winked, rounding up some Adepti. Including one that Xiao has been falling for.


"There's been an emergency at Duyun, we must save everyone we can!"
Indarias yelled amongst the crowd.

Soldiers and Adepti made their way to Duyun. The sky was painted an early grey whilst small bits of water trickled.

Unlike the others, Xiao was dashing through the land.
Praying to his master that the Adeptus he'd grown fond of was still alive.

Xiao skid to a stop, looking at the once prosperous fortress in ruins. The area was engulfed in flames as Xiao yelled for any Adepti.

The Yaksha grew impatient, rushing into the flames.
The water did nothing, instead of letting the fire live on.

Xiao coughed, the smoke filling his throat. Eyes glistening, he trudged through the fortress.

There she was, safe and unharmed.
Menogias on her shoulder.
She waved the Adeptus down with a happy smile.

"We're okay!!! Help me get the others to safety!"
Xiao nodded quickly, splitting the flames with his anemo.

The female Adepti handed him Menogias.
"I'm going to look for...okay?"
Xiao could barely make out her voice through the chaos around them.

He nodded instantly, teleporting out of the ruins and catching his breath. He set his fellow Yaksha on the grass.
Rushing into the same building.

Xiao peeked through the flames, watching bits of the building turning to reduce to rubble.

He urgently looked around, a crash was heard from ahead. The raising temperature blurred his vision.
Before a familiar person catches his eye.

He was stunned to see the same Adeptus moments before, knocked out on the floor.
He quickly scooped her up, teleporting out once more.

He hits a patch of grass, grasping the girl in his arms. The sky turned dark, as lightning flashed and thunder roared. Rain vaporized the fired ruins.

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