Opposite fates

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"Again, again, again." Xiao repeated, only being able to cross the ocean half way with his power. He could feel himself drowning. Xiao choked on salt water, using anemo he appeared on Narukami island again, coughing and trying to regain his breath.

'Why was it so hard to get back to Liyue?' He asked himself. Though his efforts were in vain, after multiple tries he slumped against a rock. His eyes lids fell, so much power used with little to no progress. Xiao teleported himself to one more place before fully passing out.

If only he knew where he went.


Aether didn't want to use a waypoint. He closed his eyes, watching a light drizzle fall before him. "... Xiao, come back, please." To the blond's surprise, Xiao did not show.

"Xiao? You must really hate me." Aether laughed, waiting for a response. The blond stopped wearing a joyed expression, teleporting to the nearest waypoint.

"Paimon is saying! You should take Aether to the festival. He needs a good friend other than Paimon." The pixie giggled, Ayaka smiled. "The traveler must be happy to have a friend like you."

"Ohh shucks, Paimon is pretty nice." She said confidently, turning her head when she heard footsteps. "Aether! Get out of the rain." Paimon yelled from under Ogura and textiles.

"Traveler-" Ayaka quickly grabbed an umbrella that was conveniently placed near the counter. The Walmart Elsa ran out and shielded the traveler from the rain. There she could see the tears falling from his eyes. Bitting her lip, Ayaka pulls Aether into a hug. The blond sniffled softly, careful to not lean into the touch excessively.

"No need to worry yourself, let us continue on the adventure. After we can...bush ourselves with a different activity." Aether was silent, yet Ayaka knew he was grieving a loss. She had seen the same expression worn by different people. Heart aching to see the blond in such a hurt she held him for a long period of time.

Gently closing her eyes.

On the other hand, Xiao woke up in a sweat. Dripping head to toe, he was back at the house at Konda village. Xiao closed his eyes, imaging a better reality. He wished he didn't have to suffer watching his loved one slowly leaving him.

His heart ache and swirled with his emotions.
"Fate, is cruel." Xiao let out a raspy breath, clutching at the cold and soaked pillow. He shivered, wishing he was in Aether's arms as Xiao drifted to sleep.


"Paimon thinks we should go eat food, to uh lighten the mood." The emergency food suggested, sheepishly floating in the direction of the store. "Ah yes! You guys order the food you desire, I must take care of something." Ayaka dashed off, not soaked because the rain was nothing more than a light drizzle at this point.

Paimon and Aether looked at each other and shrugged, following after Ayaka as they neared a familiar restaurant. Kiminami Anna was behind the counter as always, looking through receipts. The two sat down, while Paimon ordered for the two of them the blond's mind drifted. 'Xiao is probably hungry, I should get him some food. Maybe he'll be willing to listen to me.'

"Oh, can I also get some takeout with that?" Aether asked, smiling softly, Anna hesitantly nodded her head. "We don't really do take out here but for you sure!" The blond smiled, it was good to know people showed him kindness exclusively.

After a couple minutes crashing sounds were heard from around the corner. "Paimon did you hear that?" Aether asked, Ayaka came running from behind the restaurant. "I'm so sorry traveler, can you assist me?" 


The two rounded the corner of the shop to see Ayaka in distress, standing over a stove.
"Ayaka, are you alright?" Paimon asked, floating over to the young woman. Her faces was flush as she looked towards the stove. "Oh, it is quite embarrassing but-" Ayaka began to explain the situation, how her intentions to cook a special dish failed.

"Let's make pizza!!" Paimon said, mouth practically drooling. Ayaka tilted her head slightly, similar to a puppy.
After letting the dish rise Aether presents the pizza. "Tada." The traveler giggled, showing off the pizza.

The moon shined brightly. Hovering above thin clouds, the air was warm, and the smell of Inazuma cuisines was pungent.

"How are you all doing?" Anna asks, coming out to check on the three. "Oh wow! It looks and smells delicious."

"Would you mind packing this up for me?" Ayaka asks with a small smile. The lady nods her head, "It is no problem, but now I really want to put this on the menu." Anna groaned, looking at the dish with an amazed expression.

"We can write it down if you want." Paimon said, "Would you really?" Anna asked, Aether nodded his head in agreement. She happily accepted, telling them their food had finished before leaving.

Ayaka was surprised, "You could've sold that recipe at a high price, yet you gave it for free."

"Yup! That's how kind and caring Aether is!"
Paimon complimented, winking at Aether. The blond's smile was small, mind still focused on Xiao. Not only did his heart yearn for him but the string attached to his pinkie tugged him away from the group.

"Let us dine then, I am sorry again for delaying your dinner." Ayaka apologized, bowing her head.


"This feeling." Ayaka's voice trails off. "It is good to be dining with you two today. I have never really had anyone to spend days with, this means a lot." Aether knew how it felt to be alone, so he began to say some comforting words.

"You don't have to worry, you have me and Paimon." The pixie nodded her head in agreement. "And Paimon isn't going anywhere!" The travel guide giggled.

"If you had your fill, I believe it is almost time for us to collect the gift for our friend Tsubaki."
Ayaka said, the two nodded their heads. Before they left Anna came out holding a box of foods and treats.

"For you traveler, and thank you for the recipe."
Anna said waving the group off as she retreated into her shop. "Paimon, can you put this in my bag?" The pixie nodded, disappearing into her dimension before coming out with a backpack. Where Aether carefully placed inside the box.

"What's that traveler?"

"Just some food for ... Xiao."
Aether responded, walking once again. Ayaka nodded her head slowly, not taking the topic any further.


Leave him be
You are nothing more than a mistake
All the deaths you've caused will leave you helpless
You don't deserve anyone"

Xiao gripped the pillow, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Traveler, I'm sorry. I believe you, come back."

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