Common occurance

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"So what are we doing?" Aether asked, raising a brow. "We are tracking down my mother's friend Tsubaki," Ayaka said with determination welded into her voice. "We need to prepare a gift for her." She opened up a book, holding it in front of her.

"This is Tsubaki's journal, first we need-"
Ayaka's eyes leave the pages as she sees a festival promotion on a wooden board. "It's a festival." Paimon points out. "Speaking of, we haven't been anywhere fun since we've been here!" The pixie said with a pout.

"Festivals are a common occurrence here, I am surprised you have not visited one yet. Although for others it may be a joyous occasion, for my side it's more of a concern. I digress, this is where I wanted to visit, Ogura textiles and Kimonos." Ayaka said, gesturing her hand to the shop to their left.

"Ah ok," Aether muttered, Ayaka walked up to the clerk.
The lady's eyes widen, "Ms. Kamisato, it's a pleasure to see you. I see you have travelers from overseas with you. How may I be at your service?"
The woman asked, glancing at the traveler with a small smirk. Aether glanced down at his hands, seeing his line was still headed in the opposite direction of where he stood.

"Maybe Xiao is avoiding me," Aether murmured.
"Traveler, did you catch that?" Ayaka asked, it seemed the two ladies waited for a response from Aether.

"We need to go check the Internatil Trade Association," Ayaka said with a smile. The lady behind the small counter nodded her head in agreement.
"Then we will be able to get the garment tailored?"

"Yes indeed."
The lady answered.

"Traveler, let's go talk to Kurisu of the Internatil trade association," Ayaka said, guiding the traveler to Ritou. Aether trailed behind while Paimon relaxed in the air.

"They're leaving the premises," Xiao stated from behind the building. "Indeed." Yae Miko responded, not looking anywhere near the direction the two were in. "Well?" Xiao asked with a hiss. Looking back at the two who were fading out of view.

"Let's watch them, no harm in following our dearest friends." Xiao clicked his tongue. Placing a hand on Yae's shoulder before the two were engulfed in anemo.


"Ms. Kamisato??"
The man yelled in shock, frightened of her presence. "Afternoon sir, I was hoping you could tell us where the-"

"Sniff, what am I going to do." The man sulked. Paimon and Aether looked at each other instinctively.
"My apologies, what happened?" Ayaka asked in a formal tone.

The man looked back at the young official. "It is quite embarrassing to say but, my goods have been stolen. By vagrants." Kurisu hung his head low.

Kurisu went on a long rant, while Paimon and Aether were busy taking pictures.

"I can help you get your lost goods back." The two tourists whipped their heads around. Staring at Ayaka with confusion. "What?" Paimon asked, eyebrow twitching.

"Wait what?" The guy said in a puzzled tone.


Xiao watched from one of the houses. "The string is still tied, fully intact and a bright red." Yae Miko whisked.
"Is there any plan in watching them? They are doing nothing but talking and running around like children." Xiao whispered.

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