Our next adventure?

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Xiao prepped the room, the blankets were washed and pillows were fluffed. The former had learned quite a couple of house tricks from Aether. Seeming that the traveler was so tidy about how life went along.

Xiao stopped, seeing that the home was all fixed. He felt his heartache, Xiao sat on the newly made bed. What would Aether say? After all, he left him in the rain.

Millions of bad sceneries played in his head. First Aether would reject him, yell at him, cry, he felt as if the crying option was the worse. Xiao started to feel guilty for something that hadn't even happened yet.

As he let out a strangled sigh, he eyes the door with caution. What would Aether think? What would Aether want to hear? Questions ringed in his head, echoing.

"Traveler, what would you like to draw?" Ayaka asked with a small smile. Aether stayed quiet, sketching four figures. "I hope to find my sister, but until then I plan to strengthen my bond with Paimon and Xiao." The blond responded.

The pixie had the saddest face on. "YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY, IDIOT." Paimon floated towards Aether at a rapid pace. Pulling him into a hug, The blond was being suffocated by the affection coming from Paimon. Aether closed his eyes, how he missed the warmth and affection of his partner. But Paimon will do as a substitute.

"... That's very sweet." Ayaka whispered, "The festival is starting to close. Let us go back to the forest."
Aether glanced to the food stall, he thought he saw someone standing there. He didn't dare get hopeful, leaving with Ayaka. The cryo user held out her hand, Aether stared at her shaky hand in confusion. "Watch your step." She stuttered, moving her hand.

The walk to Chinju forest was warming. Ayaka kept talking with the traveler and food along the way.
"Paimon thinks that when we go to Liyue for the moonchase festival Paimon will scarf down every dish." The pixie snickered.

The sun was positioned right on top of Ayaka's head. Aether squinted his eyes, "You're too bright." The blond laughed, Ayaka covered her face with her fan.

When the group stopped at a river Ayaka glanced at the traveler. "Thank you, this was my first time to go to a festival." Her voice became less energetic, eyes watching the ground they walked on. "Knowing me, I just know that this day wouldn't have been as happy without you." Ayaka placed a hand on her heart. Aether nodded his head slowly.

"Paimon is here too," Paimon murmured. "So thank you, all the memories of today, I will forever remember. If a day comes where we meet again, I'd like to do this again." Ayaka whispered, eyes sparkling like glittering snowflakes.

Her shoulders deflated, "I hope you find your sister, and all on your journey along the way stay safe." Her smile was bittersweet. "Thank you," Aether spoke, finally. Ayaka pivoted, turning to the river. Paimon and Aether followed, admiring how the sky turned an ashy blue when in the forest. The air was moist, cool air brushed by, the sun hid behind the trees.

"Uh traveler," Ayaka stopped, turning towards the pair.
"There's something I'd like to do." Her tone was assertive, her eyes focused on her curled fist.

"If you could spare just a moment." Ayaka ran towards one of the streams. Aether and Paimon followed after hastily. Skidding to a stop, the pair watched Ayaka twirl around. In the water, she inhaled the cool air. The light hit the water miraculously, making her look like a pearl shining.


Xiao watched from the shadows, he recognized the dance instantly. A farewell dance, one you would do when you split paths with the ones you love. The Yaksha dare not look away, "He deserves her." Xiao muttered.

"I don't think so."

"AH-" Xiao almost fell out of the tree. Yae Miko caught his foot, leaving him to dangle upside down. With the power of anemo, he successfully glued himself to the branch.

"If you were a mortal, you would regret that." Xiao sneered, looking down at the two. Yae Miko sat on the branch comfortably, "You don't seem happy, she's finally out of your way."

"Their strings ... they are still tied together." Xiao pointed out, his bangs tickling his face. "Some in the universe can repair severed strings. But it makes the lives of those whose string is broken easier." The Adeptus froze, turning to the cunning fox.

"What are you implying?" Xiao raised a brow.


"I can see myself home," Ayaka said, smiling as she walked in the opposite direction of where Aether was headed. "Go talk," Yae whispered into Xiao's ear. Before disappearing out of sight.

Xiao clenched his teeth, looking back at Aether. The blond hummed a song, Xiao quickly left the tree and appeared just outside the forest. Leaning on a tree, Xiao replayed his plan mentally.

Apologize to Aether, get yelled out, leave Inazuma. The plan was not full proof, but he severely hoped Aether wouldn't be mad at him.

"Xiao?" Aether stopped in his tracks. Standing right outside of Chunji forest, Xiao glanced at Aether. The sun was right above the now, sending a ray of heat hurdling towards them. The blond froze, the air was tense, not counting the fact that to their left was a hilichurl camp.

"I'm sorry," Xiao stated firmly, his yellow eyes watched Aether's movements carefully. Paimon silently slipped into her pocket realm, leaving the two soulmates alone. Xiao's eyes wandered to the blond's hand. The string connected to Ayaka had vanished into thin air. Xiao broke his defensive stance and blinked with a confused expression.

Aether's lips formed a pout, eyes glossy. "Oh no." Xiao exhaled. "I'm sorry." Aether sniffled, jumping into Xiao's arms. The Yaksha struggled to hold his stance while the blond clung to him.

"Why are you apologizing?" Xiao scoffed, trying to pry Aether's affectionate hands off of him.
"You left, and I thought I made you made and you- when you- and you-"

"Relax, I, it's my fault, I jumped to conclusions before asking you. And when I did ask you, I didn't believe you." Xiao wrapped his arms around Aether's waist.

"I am unhappy to know I have caused you so much misfortune. I hope to make it up to you. And explain my side of the situation." The latter whispered. Aether stayed silent, hugging Xiao while his breathing slowed.

"Come on, I am aware you are tired. I wish for you to sleep." The Adeptus shook Aether gently. The blond's feet slowly lifted off the ground, as Xiao used his hands to brace Aether's thighs.

"Sleep, I will repay you tomorrow."
The Yaksha cooed, hugging Aether. He was always amazed at how Aether fit so perfectly in his arms.


Aether whined, waking up to the sun shining brightly in his eyes. The blond shuffled in bed, turning to Xiao with droopy eyes. Xiao, who was staring right back at him, gave a small smile. "Good morning, traveler."

"Morning, Xiao," Aether responded, receiving a kiss on the forehead. "Go shower," Xiao said with a yawn. Snuggling into the sheets, Aether frowned and pulled Xiao out of bed. "Why shower by yourself when you can shower with another?" Aether said, wiggling a brow.

The end end, for now.

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