Mending of the string

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Disclaimer: The following story is for storytelling purposes only. Meaning most of what happens in this book is not true.

The clouds part, stars layered the dark sky. Xiao sat on the roof of Wangshu inn.
Thinking to himself.

"Hey, Xiao!!"
The familiar voice made the boy's ear twitch. He looked down from the rooftop.

There a blond boy and his fairy-like companion waited for a response.
"It's you..."
Xiao's voice grew quiet.

"Yes, it's me! We have almond tofu. Would you like some?"
Xiao eyed the almond tofu, hunger guilted him to take it.

"We have to run some commissions, wanna come?"
Aether asked though Xiao was too focused on the red string tied to his finger. It was growing in length, and inching towards the traveler.

"I cannot."
Xiao said blankly, Aether nodded his head cheerfully. Signaling to his emergency food.

Aether began to walk away with his emergency food. A tug could be felt at Xiao's pinkie. However, he ignored it, reaching for his tofu.

The force had grown in strength significantly. The string pulled Xiao down the roof. He fell face first, the tofu flipping in the air.

With his speed, he quickly catches the plate with his foot. The three tofus landing on the plate neatly. A loud thud can be heard when the Yaksha hits the balcony.

The traveler turns around to see Xiao on the floor, face smashed on the wooden flooring.

His foot held the plate of tofu, Aether tilted his head slightly.
"Xiao are you alright?"
Aether asked, puzzled.

"I-I will join you."
Xiao kicks the tofu up, flipping to catch the tofu with his hand.
Paimon's jaw hung in amazement.

Which the traveler closed with his hand.
"Let us go."
Xiao said, resisting the urge to inch closer to the blond. Aether just nodded progressing down the stairs.

This dumbass string
Xiao complained.

Not noticing how the string kept growing in length.


The group made it to the Adepti's lands. They were near mountain shaper and Azhdaha's home.
"This is our last commission."
The traveler pointed to the time challenge they had to complete.

"We have to kill electro slimes I think."
Aether mumbled, Paimon was just spinning in a ball. Xiao slapped his face, unable to express how much he hated the situation.

The traveler was sending him into a panic. Xiao felt more like a babysitter than anything.

The traveler falls, faints is cold, falls off cliff ledges, gives away his money, etc.
Xiao has to swoop in and rescue the traveler from death or growing broke of mortal money.

"Let's get this over with."
Xiao grumbled.
Aether started the time challenge, whilst Xiao got his spear ready.

Four electro slimes were summoned by the device. Xiao made quick work of the slimes, dashing through them.

Aether let out a surprised sound.
"You did it so fast!!"
The traveler praised, collecting the mora and slime that was dropped from the slimes.

Paimon just shook her head, disappearing into constellations.
"Is this all traveler?"

Xiao asked, raising a brow.
"Yeah that's it, I know you're busy now so I'll leave."
The traveler chuckled, turning to his map.

Xiao covers his mouth too late, words spilled out of him like a waterfall.
Aether turns back to the Adeptus who was covering his face.

"Not wait, you need not wait, traveler. I-I will just stick with y-you."
The Yaksha mumbled, Aether nods his head unknowingly. Turning back to the map.

Xiao reached out his hand, watching as the red string grew in length once more. Trying to reach Aether, but Xiao resisted by pulling it away.

The red string stretched to reach Aether once more, before Xiao his hand behind his back.

"Xiao? You're still here?"
Aether tilted his head slightly, confused as to why the bot was still present.

Xiao got quickly teleported away, clutching his hand as if it were injured.


"No Ganyu, it is serious."
Xiao growled, he sat in Ganyu's office at the Liyue Qixing's building.
Ganyu's office was dressed as the modern Liyue office.

Sandbearer wood shelves, dark-colored tables, and chairs. With Liyue tapestries on some of the walls.

Xiao focused his eyes on the chandelier above him as he sat in one of Ganyu's chairs.

"A-Adeptus Xiao, I am aware you are serious but why must you leave to go hide in the cloud retainer's home?"
Ganyu asks, whilst multitasking. She was flipping through documents.

Xiao narrowed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing.
"Are you questioning my decision?"
Ganyu sighed, a knock on the door is heard.

"Come in."
Ganyu states, incomes her soulmate.
Keqing of the Qixing Secretary.

"Hey, just dropping off some documents."
Keqing smirks, plopping a couple of pages onto Ganyu's desk.

Ganyu nods and gets to work.
"I will leave now."
Xiao says, getting up and walking out of the love sick room.

He inhaled deeply, looking at the sight of people walking past him. He never liked the mortal life, but she did.

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