Believe me, I love you

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Inazuma spoilers

Xiao gathered himself, pushing the doors to the estate. The Adeptus sees Aether and Ayaka talking. The only thing was there was a red string connecting Ayaka and Aether.

The blond turned to see his significant other. "This is my partner, Xiao. Ayaka, Xiao."

"Nice to meet you, Xiao, I am Kamisato Ayaka. I owe you a lot for getting the traveler to listen to me."
The girl greets, holding a fan to her face.
"It was my pleasure."

The Yaksha gave an awkward smile, "I need to go check on Paimon real quick." Xiao stutters before leaving the premises. The Adeptus walked quite quickly, unsure of what to make of things. He and Aether's string was there. Rather he was tied to Aether, Ayaka was-

Xiao stopped, heart racing, and uneasiness set in. Why was he panicking?


Xiao wasn't sure where he went, rather he didn't know where to go. He found himself up in a shrine, walking slowly around the premises. The air was light, the sun lay still in between noon and night. Cool air brushed Xiao's face, he hesitantly walked up to the tree. Feeling a strong aura spilling from the tree.

"You know~ it's been quite a while since I've seen you."
A mysterious voice chuckled, emerging from one of the shrines was none other than Yae Miko.

"I do not recall you."
Xiao said, glancing at the lady. Yae Miko clicked her tongue, walking towards the sakura tree. "You're one of the Adepti, Honestly it comes to no surprise that you don't recognize me."
The figure chuckled, walking over and squeezing the Yaksha's cheek.

"Y-you dare to disrespect the-"
Xiao made eye contact with the woman. Her eyes were the same as the archons. "I apologize for not recognizing you sooner," Xiao muttered, pulling away and bowing his head.

"I'm nothing more than the shogun's servant. No need for such a tone." Yae chuckled, adorning the tree. "It is uncalled for an Adeptus to come to visit the lands of Inazuma. May I ask what your plan is?"

Her cherry blossom eyes caught Xiao's attention. "I come with a...friend." The Adeptus responded, biting his tongue.
Yae Miko nods her head, "Let's take a walk, shall we?"

Xiao decides to follow the Raiden's servant, eyes drawn to the ground that they walked on. The cement road, although smooth, Xiao felt as if he could trip easily.

"A friend you say? Odd since the traveler said he came here with his significant other." Yae points out, giving a small smile. "Get into a fight?"

"The opposite, we are just fine." Xiao scoffed, blinking slowly. Yae stops at the edge of the stairs, turning towards the Yaksha. "Then you won't explain why I saw your friend and one of the Kamisato fated together by string?"
Yae Miko asked with a smug expression.

"If that is all I am going to take my leave."
Xiao said in a cold tone, begging to walk past Yae. "Why don't you ask him?" The lady asks, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I do not deserve a soulmate, the world has made that apparent enough." Xiao decided not to confide in the familiar figure, walking down without looking back.

The Yaksha felt no desire to return to the two's shared home. An unfamiliar feeling rose in his chest.



"Ayaka?" Aether asked with a puzzled expression. Ayaka shook her head, "It seems I spaced off in thought, thank you for everything traveler." Ayaka said with a small smile. She could feel satisfaction grow as she saw the traveler's happy expression. Her cheeks tinted light pink. "Well done everyone!" Thoma cheered.

The group conversed before Aether felt a need to leave, "I'm going to go check on Xiao." The blond excuses himself, leaving the tea house with Paimon after saying their goodbyes.

Once out, Aether eagerly looked around. Shoulders sunk at the realization Xiao was not waiting for him. "Uh, traveler?"
Aether did a 180, seeing Ayaka fidgeting with her hands in front of him. Her stormy blue eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Can you help me in a more personal quest?"


This is the second time Xiao was walking around aimlessly. He hated the feeling of being unable to fight, and he dared not to look at his pinky. If this was fate, it's a cruel one.

The image of Aether and Ayaka together made Xiao's stomach churn. Why him? Why did he have to suffer yet another loss? Was his first loss not enough for his karmic bindings. A war raging on forever, something he cannot win and only fend off.

Xiao sat down on the grass, basking in the moon's light. His head felt hot, yet another painful night. Vision faded as he fell over, pain rose to his throat, choking him. "This is why you don't wander in unknown lands." Yae giggled.

"Do-don't, I do not require the help of someone who mocked me." Xiao sneered, struggling to stand up. He turned to Yae Miko with a scowl, "You're the fox of the Raiden shogun are you not?" Xiao scoffed, summoning his polearm to lean on.

"The string of love means different things. Talking to the blond is something you should do." The Yaksha muttered something, turning away from Yae's gaze. "Currently you are Araumi. Head southwest to Konda village." Yae Miko directed.

"Or you can head to Inazuma city which is where the traveler is. Let's go there and watch them."
Yae said, begging to walk towards Inazuma city. Xiao hurried after her, the pain slowly back to normal.
"I am not going to watch my partner engage in romantic activities with Kamisato." Xiao hissed his eyebrows knitting.

"I want you to see how much the traveler is devoted to you. Even when he is tied to you and Kamisato Ayaka." Yae Miko said no more, Xiao grabbed her arm. "I have already been there before. Using anemo is more efficient."

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