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Ava's POV

"Are you sure you two will be okay?" my older sister Quinnie asked as she helped me carry a box into the house. "I meant it when I said I could move in with you. There are plenty of therapy jobs here."

I smiled as I took my daughter's hand. "I swear, we'll be fine. Right, Mila?"

Mila nodded as she ran out to the car, probably to get her stuffed bunny. She loved that thing. Her dad had bought it when I was pregnant with her. "Mommy said we're going to have fun aunty Q."

Quinnie laughed as she opened the door. "Answers that question."

I hugged my sister. Time to start life in a new town and find some new opportunities. It's what Mila and I needed. "I'll visit you."

Quinnie pulled her car keys out of her pocket as we went to her car. "You better. Guess I'll see you whenever. I promised Anna I'd visit so I better go."

I blew her a kiss before turning to Mila who was tugging on my shirt. "What's up, baby?"

"I want to say hi to her," Mila replied pointing at the neighbor's house.

I looked up and saw a girl, around twelve years old on a skateboard in the front yard. A tall dark-haired boy walked out of the house with a cup of coffee. I smiled at Mila. "Okay. We can say hi if you want. Come on."

We walked into the next driveway and the dark-haired boy waved. "Hi. I take it you're new here?"

I smiled when I noticed that I'd left boxes on my porch. "Yeah. Sorry for just showing up here. My daughter wanted to greet her."

The blond girl skidded to a stop in front of Mila and knelt down. While those two talked I walked up to the boy. He grinned. "Not a problem. I'm Jonah Marais."

"Jonah! I have to go get Lavender from my mom. Do you mind taking Isla to the skatepark later. She's been wanting to go," a curly-haired boy said. "I'm Jack Avery. Who are you?"

"I'm Ava," I replied.

A boy with dark fluffy hair walked out and kissed Jack. "I'll be seeing you later. I have to go for my meeting soon so probably won't be around to greet Lav. Oh hey. I'm Zach Herron."

I smiled and waved at the boy as he went back inside to get dressed. Another boy with sandy brown hair walked out. He kissed Jonah's cheek before looking at me. "Hey. Who's this?"

"Ava. She's just moving in," Jonah replied as he sipped his coffee.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Corbyn Besson," the boy said as pulled some car keys out of his pocket. "I have to go, babe. I'll see you later."

Jonah nodded as Corbyn ran to his car and eventually pulled out of the driveway, followed by Jack's car. Soon Zach ran out the door and went to his car. He left. "So all five of you live here?" I asked.

"She doesn't," Jonah replied as he pointed to Isla. "She's Jack's sister and she's visiting from Virginia."

"So then all four of you," I asked in confusion.

Jonah shook his head. "There's one more of us. His name is Daniel Seavey. He's out right now."

Before I could say anything  Mila said, "Mommy, are we going to see the doctor?"

I looked at my watch and gasped. I was going to be late. I hadn't thought of what I would do with her when I went to the doctor. "Okay, go to the car sweetheart."

Jonah looked curiously at me. "You alright?"

I nodded as I looked for my car keys which were in the pocket of my hoodie. "I'm sorry. I have to go. I'll be late."

"Can we talk later then?" Jonah asked.

I nodded as I ran into my own yard. Running was a mistake. I sat in the car catching my breath before pulling out of the driveway. Mila kept me entertained with her stories while I drove to the hospital. I asked for directions to the cardiology area and was led to the office. I have cardiomyopathy which meant my heart couldn't pump blood properly. I had moved into this new area so I wouldn't be known as "that kid."

The receptionist stood up and went into the office. "Mr. Besson. Your patient is here."

Besson? That name was familiar. Corbyn hadn't beat me here, right? A tall man with sandy brown hair opened the door and let me in. He had the same stunning eyes as Corbyn. He noticed me staring and raised an eyebrow. "You okay?"

"Sorry... um... can I ask you an odd question?" I stuttered.

He nodded as we took a seat and he turned on his computer. I took a breath, not sure if I wanted the answer. "Are you related to Corbyn Besson?"

"Yeah. I'm his brother. Why?" the man asked.

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath.

"Did he do something to you?" the man asked.

I shook my head. "I just don't want him to find out."

The doctor nodded as he set down the pen he'd been using. He looked at me before finally saying, "I'm Jordan. I won't tell Corbyn or the other boys anything until you're ready. It's completely up to you."

I sighed with relief. "Thanks."

"And who's this young lady?" Jordan asked with a grin as Mila crawled onto my lap.

"She's my daughter, Mila. I didn't have anyone to babysit her today so I brought her with me," I replied.

Jordan grinned as he reached into his desk. He pulled out a lollipop and handed it to Mila. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

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