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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ This chapter is on Daniel having a small relapse to drinking so if it affects you just skip this chapter❤️

Daniel's POV

We were home from the cruise and repacking for our next series of trips while Ava had gone to the hospital for her appointment. Jonah walked into my room and closed my door. "We need to talk about Ava," he said. "She's just gotten here and I need to talk to you first."

"Okay," I said as I sat down. "Is she okay?"

Almost on cue I heard Ava running followed by Zach saying, "Oh shit. You okay Ava?"

I turned to Jonah. "Say it."

He stared at the floor as he anxiously wrung his hands together. "She's quit her treatments. She said she doesn't want to feel exhausted from the medication anymore. She wants to take care of Mila."

"No..." I stammered as I stood up. "Didn't you tell her the risks? Didn't Jordan tell her?"

"She's a grown woman. We can't force her to do what she doesn't want," Jonah replied. "We'll just go through her bucket list faster just in case."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch Jonah for letting Ava quit the medication. I couldn't do anything because I needed to know what had happened downstairs. I hurried down and Corbyn pointed to the bathroom where I heard Zach talking softly to Ava. I went in to see Ava hovered over the sink coughing up blood. I took Zach's place behind my girlfriend. "Baby, what's wrong? What hurts?"

"It's just why I had the medication before. Didn't Jonah tell you?" Ava replied.

"Yes," I muttered.

Ava looked up at me. "Are you angry?"

"A little bit. For selfish reasons though," I replied quietly as I turned to Zach. "I need some space."

Zach took his original place next to Ava while I hurried out the door. I got my jacket and felt Jack grab my arm. "Where are you going?"

I didn't reply as I pushed past him to the door. I ran down the road, not sure where I was going to end up. I just needed to getaway. Eventually, I found myself at my mom's house. She opened the door but her smile disappeared when she saw me. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"She's dying, mom. I don't know what to do. She quit her treatments and when I left she was coughing up blood. I know I shouldn't have left her," I stammered beginning to cry. "I don't know why I left. I just didn't know where else to go."

My mom led me to the couch and had me lay down. "I know. Corbyn told me. Daniel, I'm so so sorry."

"She made me a list of things she wants to do so we'll be gone for a while. I don't know if it's good for Mila to travel so much," I stuttered.

My mom played with my hair and I felt myself getting sleepy. "I'll keep her."

She began gently running a finger down the bridge of my nose and I eventually dozed off.

I woke up slightly confused. I reached for my phone and saw that it was four. I got off the couch and made my way out the door. I pulled my hood over my head as I continued down the street until I found a bar. I knew I was going to regret this but I went inside anyway and found one barstool left. The bartender walked over. "What do you want?" He asked as I showed him my ID.

"The strongest you have," I replied.

Jack's POV

I was getting worried about Daniel. He hasn't been answering his phone. His mom called saying he'd disappeared from the couch. Ava was asleep in my room with Zach who had insisted on being there for her. Jonah's phone rang and he picked it up. "Daniel, where are you? You're drunk, aren't you? Oh, Dani. Okay. I'll send Jack," he was saying before hanging up.

The rest of the boys looked up. "Daniel's drunk again. I don't know if I should lecture him or let it slide," Jonah sighed.

"Just let it go," Corbyn replied as he set down his guitar. "Something tells me he didn't want to do it."

I drove to the bar and went inside. I found Daniel sitting at the bar with his head in his hands and a half-empty bottle of Balkan sitting next to him. I went over to him. "Let's get home..."

"I'm sorry," Daniel muttered as I led him out of the building.

I shook my head as I helped him into the car. I fastened his seatbelt and began to drive. We arrived at the house and Daniel was passed out. I picked him up and carried him inside. "He okay?" Corbyn asked.

"He's fine. He'll have a horrible hangover tomorrow but otherwise, he'll be fine," I replied as I carried him upstairs and to bed.

Daniel moaned slightly as I pulled the blanket over him but didn't actually regain consciousness. I left the room and went downstairs to find Zach in the living room with a suitcase. "The last one is down here. So this is a nonstop traveling thing?"

"Yes," Jon said.

I hadn't even realized he was here. "You're flying into the UK and you have a five-hour layover then you go to Egypt which is where you'll visit the Great Pyramid of Giza. Then you'll go to Kenya where you'll have your safari. After that, you'll be going to Australia to dive at the Great Barrier Reef and swim with dolphins there. I don't remember the whole list. I'll check it before tomorrow's flight."

"Ava has a great list. I've missed traveling without having to perform. Just getting to enjoy the sights," Jonah said.

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