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No One's POV

Nearly a week had passed and Daniel was getting himself ready for the funeral when Mila came in. "I miss mommy. I can't tie it!" 

Daniel wiped his tears and knelt down to tie the bow on Mila's dress. "Thank you. I'm going to uncle Jojo." 

Daniel nodded as he turned back to the mirror to do his tie. Whatever he did, it wouldn't work and he was getting frustrated. He threw the tie across the room and sat on the couch with his head in his hands. There was a book next to him and he threw it at the wall. 

Kristin walked in and sighed. "Dani, let's get your tie on." 

Daniel didn't respond as Kristin picked the tie off the floor and helped him put it on. He didn't know what to say. When he'd been asked to give a speech he couldn't do it. They got home and he went straight to bed. Not that he could sleep anyway. Ava's mom walked in with a folder. "I'm sorry to just come in like this sweetheart. It's just I have something that I found in Ava's closet while I was going through her stuff." 

Daniel didn't respond as he kept his back turned to her. She sighed. "Can you please sit up for me? This won't take long." 

Daniel sat up and looked at her. She handed him the folder and he opened it, taking out what was inside. He read the papers, tears running down his face as he turned the page. "Oh wow. Are you sure?" 

Karen smiled slightly. "It's what Ava wanted. She's written your name and signed it. You just have to go through the whole process." 

"I can't believe she really wants me to adopt Mila," Daniel stuttered. "I will. I love that little girl. I just thought she would've wanted to have her sister do it."

"She wanted Mila to have a father. She said you were her first choice. We'd talked about it but I didn't know she'd started the process," Karen explained as she stood up. "I'll leave you alone now. I just wanted to give this to you before I went back to the hotel." 

That next day Jon arrived at the house confusing all the boys. "Where's Dani?" 

"Still in his room, "Jack replied as he finished cooking. 

Jon began heading upstairs when Jack handed him a plate of food. "See if you can get him to eat while you're up there." 

Jon nodded and went up to Daniel's room. Even the dog looked depressed. Belle was laying in her bed not even playing with her chew toys. Daniel was sitting at his desk looking at the papers. "Hey, kiddo. How are you holding up?" 

"Is it weird that I don't feel anything? I'm kind of numb," Daniel muttered. 

Jon shook his head as he took a seat on the edge of Daniel's bed. "Perfectly normal. Everyone grieves in their own way." 

Daniel nodded and turned to Jon. "I called you for help actually. I don't know how the foster care system or adoption works. I was hoping you could help me through it." 

(Though I'm adopted I don't know how the system works because I was a baby when that happened so I'm not including details cause I want to have only facts here)

"Hey, how are you feeling Zachy?" Jonah asked as he sat beside his bandmate. 

Zach hadn't spoken since they left the hospital a week ago. Aside from Daniel, he'd been the closest to Ava. Jack walked in with Mila and Lavender asleep in his arms while Gabriella held the door open. Daniel walked downstairs looking exhausted. Mila immediately woke up. "Hi, daddy. I sleepy." 

Daniel took her into his arms and gave a weak smile. "Mila, can I ask you a question?" 

Mila nodded as she rested her head on Daniel's shoulder. "Would you like it if I was your daddy forever?" 

"Yes! You're my daddy!" Mila said happily and the boys grinned. 

Daniel held her tightly. He would guard Mila with his life. "And do I get to see uncles?" 

"Yes, we'll live right here with all your uncles," Daniel replied as he carried her upstairs and laid her in bed. 

"I sleepy," Mila repeated. 

"Goodnight princess," Daniel said as he left the room. 

When he got downstairs he took a seat beside Kay who had just gotten there and rested his head on her shoulder. She pouted. "How are you doing?" 

"I could really use a drink right now," Daniel muttered. 

"I think we all could," Jonah muttered. "But no. We won't have one." 

"Is Mila my sister now?" Lavender asked.

Daniel shrugged. "Do you want her to be?" 

"Yeah," Lavender replied. 

"Then yes. You can call her your sister," Daniel replied. 

Alright so I'm posting the introduction to the new book but there are still two more parts to this one so the story itself won't be posted until Monday. I love you guys and stay safe 💕

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