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Daniel's POV

We got settled in our hotel, getting showered and a change of clothes before we had to be in our van to head to the pyramids. We met in the lobby where some girls were flirting with Jonah. Jon led us out to the van and we began the hour drive while the tour guide told us about the culture. Ava reached into my bag and got a tissue. I didn’t think much of until I noticed the blood. It didn't seem like a safe place to pull over so I did what I could in the car. I raised an eyebrow. "Nosebleed," she replied.

I had her lean forward until she was sure it had stopped. I was praying this would be the only incident. That night we were all in Corbyn and Jonah's room dealing with our jetlag by watching Zach and Corbyn dance for us. Ava decided to join them and we all cheered.

That next morning we were at the airport right at sunrise. It was sad that we couldn't be in Egypt for long but we loved the time we had there. The flight wasn't long and we soon landed in JKIA which is Kenya's most well known airport. A taxi driver picked us up and drove us to a smaller airport where we got a plane to the lodge. It was out in the middle of nowhere. As we landed there was a lake full of flamingos. Ava turned to me. "My sister would love to be here."

"Look at the buffalo," Jack was saying in excitement as we approached the airstrip.

When we landed Jon signed the papers and finished the payments as we went to the van. "Hi," I said to the tour guide who smiled at the.

"Welcome to Kenya. I am a Maasai and tomorrow I'll take you to the village. My name is Sironka. And you?"

"I'm Daniel. These are my friends. Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, Zach and my girlfriend Ava," I told him.

"It's nice to meet you," Sironk said as we got in the car. "I'll take you to the hotel to get settled and then explain go you the schedule."

We nodded in agreement as we continued driving. He told us each animal as we saw it. We arrived at the lodge and were directed to our lodge. We'd chosen to get the family room which had four beds in it. Ava seemed rather pale and I was getting worried. "How about you take a nap? I'll have room service bring us lunch."

We sat on the porch so that we didn't bother her with our conversation. There were cows walking through the park and gardeners taking care of the hedges. Corbyn and Jack sat in the grass near us while Jonah, Zach and I sat in the chairs. Corbyn looked very uncomfortable and I frowned. "You okay?" I asked.

He shrugged as he picked at the grass. "I don't want to hurt Sironka's feelings but I don't think we can take Ava to that village."

"I agree, but why is it stressing you out?" Jonah asked.

Corbyn had a tear running down his cheek. We all knew what he was trying to say. "She's getting weaker. I'll be surprised if we don't have to go home before we finish the world tour."

I turned and looked inside to where Ava was asleep on our bed. Jack stood up. "I'll go tell him now so that he's not offended tomorrow morning. We'll just ask for a longer drive through the park."

That next morning was spent watching elephants graze and hippos fighting. We witnessed the mating dance of an ostrich and two wildebeest fighting for a female. It was beautiful here. I never wanted to leave. Ava was so excited as she got to see everything she wanted. We called her sister Quinn who enjoyed witnessing everything even if it was through a screen. We didn't bring Belle since we didn't know how she'd react to everything. Her and Mila were with my mom.

Ava's POV

I couldn't believe the three days in Kenya were over already but I was so ready to visit Australia and swim in the Great Barrier Reef. It had taken what felt like years to get there but we made it. Daniel and I were on the trail near our hotel talking when we noticed a small waterfall. I took off my cover-up and looked at him. He took off his shirt and we got in the water. This was one of the few bodies of water the hotel had told us was safe to hang out in. That and we saw a few people swimming there too. We messed around a bit before finding ourselves under the waterfall. Check that off the list, I thought to myself. Daniel picked me up and kissed me gently on the lips. "I hope you're having fun."

"This is the best time I've ever had," I replied as I kissed him back.

"Ava, I'm so in love with you. It's not been too long I'll admit but I love you so much," he sighed. "I know you didn't want this to be a sympathy thing and its not but I need to do this. I left the ring on the shore but will you marry me?"

A grin spread across my face as I hugged him tighter. "Of course I will Daniel Seavey. I love you."

When we got back to the hotel Daniel put the ring on my finger as the boys cheered. I felt dizzy and weak all of a sudden and grabbed Jonah who was the closest. He had me sit down while Daniel dialed Jordan's number and put it on speaker.

"Dr. Besson's office. How can I help you?" The receptionist said.

"This is his brother and it's an emergency," Corbyn sighed. "I'm Corbyn Besson."

There was a small discussion before Jordan's voice came onto the line. We explained everything that was happening and had happened. He was silent for a moment before speaking. "I know you are on vacation but you need to come home as soon as possible. I need to check her over right away."

My goal is to finish this book by the end of the month so that I can plan out next month's book. I've started planning it out but I want to make sure it's the way I like it so yeah. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. Love you guys and stay safe 💜

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