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Daniel's POV

I was dozing off in the chair next to Ava's. I hated seeing her with the oxygen mask and other tubes on her. She still hadn't regained consciousness. A doctor walked in and I sat up. "Can she go home whenever she wakes up?" Corbyn asked from the chair behind me.

The doctor lowered her eyes and I frowned. "Why not?"

"Her heart has gotten weaker. If you hadn't brought her when you did she wouldn't even be alive right now," she sighed.

My heart sank but I refused to show how much it upset me. The doctor left and approached Ava's bed and took her hand. I heard Mila's voice and turned to see Kay walk in with her. "Oh, if she's sleeping we can leave," she gasped.

Zach shook his head from his position on the couch next to Jack. "It's not a problem. I'm sure she'd be happy to have you here." 

"You need a place to sit?" Jonah asked as he stood up. 

Kay shook her head as she took a seat on the floor next to me. Mila scurried over to the bed and climbed up on it. "Mommy. Mommy wake up."

"Mommy's sleeping sweetheart. She'll wake up soon," Corbyn yawned as he began to doze off in his chair. 

Before any of us could say no, Mila settled herself next to Ava and curled up. "I take care of mommy." 

I nodded before turning my attention to Kay. "I thought you had a date today?" 

She shrugged as she played with her shoelaces. "This seemed more important Dani. Besides, I'm not really sure about him." 

Kay and I discussed her new boyfriend until Ava started waking up. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave a slight smile as she saw Mila asleep next to her. She looked sleepily at me and I got up. She took my hand. "What's happening Daniel?" 

"I found you in your house not breathing a few hours ago. I don't really know what happened to you," I replied as I kissed her forehead. "It scared me so badly." 

Ava squeezed my hand and I gave a tearful smile. The doctor walked in and began checking her vitals. A surprised look crossed his face as he turned to me. "I know we didn't think that you could take her home but she's fine. No traveling but I think if we get tonight to keep an eye on her she can go home tomorrow." 

We thought this was a good thing. We wanted to be a good thing. The hiatus was coming to an end and things seemed to be looking up for all of us. Sure enough the next day we were allowed to take Ava to our house. I didn't want her to stay there alone so I got myself moved into that house during the following week. She was definitely moving slower than usual, but that was to be expected after everything that had happened. 

"Daniel, what's your favorite shape?" Ava asked randomly as we sat on the couch watching television.

I chuckled. "Octagons because I'm still learning how to draw them. What brings that question to mind?" 

She shrugged as she rested against me. "Just curious. I really like trapezoids. The word is just so interesting." 

I kissed her cheek. "You never fail to entertain me, Ava Stanford. I love you so much." 

"Really? A shape brings up that much emotion?" she teased and I punched her shoulder playfully. 

"How's the wedding planning going?" Jack, came into the room with a sandwich. 

I looked up at him. "We're taking a slight break. We did find a great venue yesterday though. And today we were looking for a good catering company." 

No One's POV

As Jonah drove the group home from a day at the beach house, Mila and Lavender were playing in the back seat. They were getting close to La when Corbyn noticed Ava had broken into a cold sweat. "You okay?" he asked worriedly.

Ava shook her head as she swallowed harshly. She'd never felt like this before. It felt like her whole body was shutting down. She knew if she spoke she'd throw up. "Okay well, we're almost home. Just relax," Zach said nervously as he glanced at Jack who shrugged. 

Barely five minutes had passed before Ava began desperately tapping on Corbyn's thigh. "Pull over Jonah," Corbyn stuttered when he saw how pale Ava had gotten.

Jonah did as he was told and Ava stumbled out of the car, throwing up in the grass. Belle was barking like crazy. Zach and Daniel ran to Ava who was doubled over. "Feel better now?"

Ava shook her head as she kept a hand on her chest. "I don't feel so good. Daniel, I'm scared."

"What hurts?" Daniel asked though he knew what was happening.

Belle was pawing at Daniel as she gave him three sharp barks. Daniel picked Ava up and carried her into the car. "Hospital. Doesn't matter which one. I think she's having a heart attack or something." 

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