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Daniel's POV

The days passed fast and we were now waiting at the dock with our group. Kay and Ava were talking on one end of the dock while I spoke with Jonah and Corbyn. Jack and Zach were too busy making out to even pay attention to what was going on. Mila and Lavender were playing pat-a-cake on the floor. "Lavy, I want to go swimming," Mila was saying. 

"Me too. I ask dad," Lavender said and started heading for Jack and Zach. 

Corbyn picked her up. "Where are you off to little lady?" 

"Mila wants to go swimming. I want to swim too," Lavender replied. 

"We can swim when we get on the boat," Jonah said as Corbyn set Lavender back down. 

Lavender ran back to Mila. "Jojo said we're going on a boat." 

I laughed. It didn't take much to deal with Lavender or Mila. They were extremely easy considering they were toddlers. Gabriella appeared and Lavender ran to her. We'd invited her because Kay wanted a roommate and Lavender had wanted to see her mom. 

It wasn't much longer before the announcement for everyone on the ship to start boarding. I grabbed Mila's hand and Jack took Lavender's. We went into the ship and straight to reception. Jon was with us to help check us in. He came over with several keys. "Pick your roommates." 

Gabriella took Lavender and Kay. I took Ava and Mila. Corbyn and Jonah were obviously together as well as Jack and Zach. When we were sure of what was going to happen, Jon led us to our rooms. "What are we doing?" I asked as I unlocked our door. 

"I haven't eaten since lunch," Zach replied as he unlocked his own door. 

"Swimming!" Lavender and Mila cheered. 

"Drinking," Jonah said. 

"I need a night with just the boys and we go to the bar," Corbyn agreed with Jonah. 

"Cheers," I said as I saluted Zach who gave me a tiny smile. 

"Maybe drinks aren't such a good idea," Jack muttered as he looked at me. 

"I'll be fine for just one night," I said and Corbyn high-fived me. 

I grinned as I turned to Ava. She laughed. "Jon, can you watch the girls tonight? I think we deserve a girl's night," Kay said and Ava nodded in agreement. 

My phone rang and I stepped into our room. "Talk to me." 

It was Jordan talking about test results. Had Ava had tests done without telling me? "Test for who?" I asked. "She wasn't answering her phone because we're going on a cruise." 

"Tests for Mila," Jordan replied on the other end of the line and I felt my heart drop. 

"Is something wrong with her?" I asked. 

"Quite the opposite. Didn't Ava tell you?" Jordan asked. 

"No. Tell me what?" I sighed. 

"She was worried about her heart problems being genetic so she had Mila tested. Don't worry. You can tell Ava that Mila is perfectly healthy," Jordan said and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. 

I heard Lavender starting to cry in the hall and went back out to see her in Jack's arms. Gabriella was gently stroking Lavender's hair trying to calm her down. They went into the room followed by Kay. Zach went into his room. Jonah waved at me before he and Corbyn went into their room. Ava and I went into our room with Mila, who immediately ran to the bathroom. "We'll meet everyone for dinner at around six. For now we all just sort of spread out until then," Ava told me. 

When we'd gotten everything unpacked and the suitcases into a smaller compartment we went out of our room. It felt like we were a little family. I had Mila in my arms while holding Ava's hand. Jack and Corbyn came out of their room with their golf clubs, wearing their favorite golfing clothes. "Hey, where's Zach?" 

"He's taking a nap," Jack replied as they headed out. "See you all later." 

Jonah walked out of the room with Gabriella. "We're going to explore the ship." 

"Tell us what you find," Ava said as Kay and Lavender came out of the room. 

"Where are you two going?" I asked. 

"Playground," Lavender said with excitement. "I like aunty Kay!" 

"I go with daddy," Mila said as she rested her head on my shoulder. 

That night we all met in the buffet. We found a table and set down our bags before going to get our food. Jack stood with two plates. "What do you want Lavy?" 

"That one," Lavender said. 

"You can't have dessert until after you eat your dinner," Gabriella said as she got her own food. 

While we ate we discussed what we could do tomorrow. A worker came over and called me away from the table. I followed him into a private room. "We have the stage set up. I know you boys wanted to go out drinking, but we have other bands playing so we put you all for tonight. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Your manager said that it would be fine though." 

I nodded. "I'll let the boys know." 

"And they have a little getaway just for adults called the Solarium," Jonah was saying. "We could drop the girls at that daycare while we go chill tomorrow." 

I rubbed Zach's shoulders as I cleared my throat. "Boys, we have to get dressed. The plans were changed." 

"What's going on?" Ava asked. 

"You'll see," Corbyn said with a wink as he got up. 

We ran to our rooms and found what we had planned for the concert. I walked out in my favorite black shirt and jeans, with the belt that I hadn't fully tucked in. Jonah and Corbyn emerged from the room followed by Jack and Zach. We went around the long way so that Ava wouldn't see us. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a guest appearance of a rising band who is here on vacation but willingly offered to perform for us. I welcome to the stage Why Don't We!" 

The boys and I ran onto the stage as a group of girls began to start screaming. Though we were on a hiatus, I had missed the cheers from the crowd. "What's up!" I yelled into the mic, resulting in more cheers as our logo showed up on the screen behind us. 

"Since we're traveling and a lot of us are here for partying, I figured we start with one of our favorite songs to vibe to!" Zach yelled as Come to Brazil began playing. 

"We was up late till the daytime. She was movin' to the bassline. Big bubble, but little waistline. Can't fit it all on the FaceTime," I sang. 

"She said, "You don't even know me." If it's real love, better show me (Hey!). 'Cause, she don't plan on slowing down," Corbyn sang as he did a little dance.

We went through several more songs. These Girls and Choose were big hits on the ship. "Before we end this great night we're having, I want to finish with a song for my amazing girlfriend that we brought on the cruise ship with us. This is from our oldest album actually." I said as Taking You started playing. 

"I need you in my life like limelight. Wherever I go I'm taking you," Corbyn sang as we formed as semi-cirlce around Ava.

"Whenever I call you're my lifeline. I never hang up I depend on you," Zach sang. 

"You fly with me so I call you redeye," Jack sang

"The sky's so clear when you're the view," Jonah sang. 

"I only say it cause I really mean it. I ain't afraid of how you got me feeling. Sky's so clear when you're the view," I sang as I pulled her to her feet. "Anywhere I go I'm taking you." 

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