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Daniel's POV

Ava was still feeling weak the next day so I took her over to my house. "Movie day guys," I announced to the boys I carried Ava who was resting her head on my chest.

Once again my mom took Lavender and Mila to her house. Jonah turned on the television and searched for Netflix while Zach popped some popcorn. Isla and my sister Anna began setting up some pillows and blankets on the floor, knowing it would be more comfortable for Ava to spread out there. Tyler and Christian ran downstairs shoving each other playfully. "So this is your girlfriend?" Christian asked causing Ava to wake up.

I glared at my brother as Ava sat adjusted herself on my lap. "Yes. Ava, meet my brothers Christian and Tyler. This is my sister Anna."

"Hi," Ava yawned as she sat up.

"I'm Ashley," a voice said and I turned to see Corbyn's sister.

Zach sat on Ava's other side. "What should we watch?"

"Horror movies," Isla said with a grin as she looked at Jonah who narrowed his eyes at her.

Ava nodded in agreement and high-fived Isla. "She's a girl after my own heart. We should definitely watch horror movies."

Jonah pouted and Corbyn laughed as he put an arm around his boyfriend. "What's your favorite horror movie?" Tyler asked from his spot on a chair with a fuzzy blanket he'd stolen from my room.

"Evil Dead," Ava replied as reached for the popcorn in Jack's lap.

Isla looked curiously up at Ava. "I haven't seen that one."

Ava got up and took my laptop off the kitchen counter. I gave her the password and she went to a website we hadn't seen before and found the movie. She connected it to the television and pressed play. There was a knock at the door and Jonah got up. "That would be my family."

He opened the door and Esther came in followed by Zebulon. Behind them were Reese and Ryan. After introductions were made we started the movie. Reese continuously begged to watch the movie with us so we gave in.

Halfway through the movie, Belle began pawing at Ava. I turned to her and noticed her breathing heavily. I helped her up and led her to the kitchen where she could have some privacy. Belle helped her sit down. Zach joined us and knelt down. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay now," she replied as we helped her up.

She was out of it for another day but eventually, she was back to her semi energetic self and was able to go back home. I went to her house this morning and neither she nor Mila was home. I figured maybe she'd gone to the doctor and decided to take Mila with her since she hadn't seen the little girl in a while. I went back home and went to the fridge. After a quick listen and look around to make sure no one was home. I pulled a beer out of the fridge. When did I start this habit again? I couldn't think about losing Ava. I'd quit just last year. I turned on the television and got settled on the couch. It's like I started where I left off.  One beer turned into two. Two turned into three. I was starting to lose count and my vision was slightly blurry. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was Corbyn asking me what he should pick up on the way home. I looked at the time. Was the meeting really over already? It was two in the afternoon. I'd been on this couch for three hours. I curled up and eventually dozed off. 

I woke up with a pounding headache. Who had woken me up? I opened my eyes to see Christian standing over me with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry," I moaned as I buried my face into the pillow. 

I felt Christian sit next to me and rub my back gently. "I think I can figure out what happened," he sighed and I nodded. "You could've called me Dani. I would've been here the second you said something. Or even the boys." 

After that incident the boys agreed that keeping alcohol in the house during these high-stress times would be unwise, so all alcohol was thrown out that next day. Ava hadn't been allowed to see me until the hangover was gone which I guess made sense. Lavender stayed with Ava while they got rid of the alcohol. 

I went to their house and knocked on the door. Ava showed up with a grin. "What's up? Feeling better? I heard you were sick." 

The boys must've kept what had happened a secret. I kept in mind that I owed them one for that. "Yeah, I think it was a twenty-four-hour thing." 

She gave a small pout as Mila ran to me. "Daddy!" 

My eyes widened as I looked at Ava. "I'm sorry. Maybe she shouldn't..." 

I shook my head. "No. It's perfectly fine," I said as I picked her up. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?" 

"I go swimming with Lavy," Mila told me as she played with a chain I had around my neck. 

I laughed as I looked at Ava. "Actually, I did have a reason for coming over." 

She raised an eyebrow to indicate she was listening as she finished cleaning the dishes. "We're having a beach day with a bunch of people. Not just the people that you met a few days ago, but also some others you haven't met. I was hoping you could come." 

Ava looked at Mila who was still in my arms. "What do you think mami? You want to go to the beach tomorrow?" 

"Yeah! We go swim!" Mila replied enthusiastically. 

Ava nodded. "We'll be there. What time?" 

I shrugged. "Around eight. Jack and Jonah want to catch the best waves." 

She kissed my cheek. "See you then." 

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