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Daniel's POV

We'd been back a few weeks now and the doctors had checked on Ava and she was getting weaker. We couldn't travel anymore which was fine. We just wanted to make sure she was okay. Jack had taken Mila and Lavender to Disneyland since Ava couldn't even do that.

"Ava, we have to go. Are you okay?" Corbyn called from downstairs.

We hurried down and got in his car where Zach was playing with his phone. We pulled into a parking lot and Ava's eyes widened. "Matt Steffanina? Really? You guys, thank you so so much," Ava stuttered excitedly.

I hugged her as we started walking into the building. She turned to me. "But I'm not supposed to do anything strenuous," she muttered.

"Go in and see," I said as Zach opened the door.

Corbyn led us into the studio where Matt was standing. He came to us and shook all our hands, stopping in front of Ava. "Hi. I heard you wanted to dance with us. Your friends told us what was going on so we made a choreography just for you. It's fun but it won't be a problem for you."

Ava looked excitedly at me. I nodded. "They even taught it to me."

"You're dancing with us?" She asked eagerly.

Zach laughed. "I'll show you the process of how he learned when we get home."

Matt led us to the middle of the room and began explaining how to do the moves. It didn't take long for Ava to get it. She needed a few breaks to catch her breath. It was unusual to get winded so fast but I didn't want to ruin the day. "Ready to put it all together?" Matt asked.

I nodded and Matt motioned for the cameras to start rolling. The song started playing and we began. The time went by too fast and it was time to say bye to him. He wished Ava the best and we went to the parking lot. She was exhausted from everything so she went home to sleep.

I was on the couch playing my cello when I heard Jonah coming downstairs from the nap he'd been taking. "Have you heard from Ava?" He asked.

I was about to reply when Jack came into the house with Mila. "Where's Ava? She's not answering the door?"

"She's exhausted. Let her sleep," I muttered as I went back to my instrument. "Did you hear the dog barking?"

"No, it was pretty quiet," Jack replied.

I nodded. She had been tired. We could keep Mila here. There was no hurry. "Daddy. I miss mommy," Mila said looking upset.

It was getting late and Ava still hadn't been answering my calls. I exchanged a worried look with Jonah who was reading on the couch next to me. "Keep her here. I'm going to check."

"You need me?" Zach asked and I shook my head.

"I'll let you know," I replied as I ran out the door.

I hurried to Ava's doorstep and began knocking on the door. There was no response. I knocked again and Belle began barking. One. Two. Three. Four sharp barks. That wasn't good. I got the key out of my pocket and opened the door. It all seemed pretty normal. I hurried upstairs where I saw blood in the bathroom sink. "Ava? Where are you? A?"

There was no reply and I ran into her room and my heart stopped. She was passed out on the floor, paler than usual with a bluish tint to her lips and fingers. I knelt besides her and felt her chest. She wasn't breathing.

Shorter chapter than usual but I didn't know how to do this one. Oh well, hope you liked this chapter ❤️

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