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Ava's POV

It had been several days and we'd visited several islands. There were only about three days left and I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible. I did have one more thing I had to do before the fun continued and this would hurt Daniel, but I knew I had to. I dialed Jordan's number and went into the bathroom. "Hey Ava, what's up?"

"I want to quit my blood-thinner medication Jordan. I can't do it anymore," I sighed.

"It'll kill you sooner. Please don't quit," Jordan pleaded.

I knew he was right but I wasn't backing down. "The side effects make it so I can't take care of my daughter. The boys are taking me on a few more trips and I want to enjoy them. I'm telling Jonah tonight but I just don't know how to tell Daniel."

There was a sigh on the other end of the line. "Okay, Ava. I can't force you. Just continue coming to your appointments."

I agreed and hung up. I went into Zach and Jack's room where the other boys were. "Jojo," I muttered and he immediately stood up. 

"You okay?" he asked. 

I shrugged and Daniel stood up. I ignored him. "Can I talk to you, Jo?" 

Jonah nodded and followed me back into our room and sat down on the bed. "What's going on?" 

"I just quit my treatments," I muttered as I looked at the floor. "I want to be there for Mila and the medication makes me so tired I can't do that properly." 

Jonah was quiet for a moment before he put a hand on my leg. "How are you going to tell Daniel?" 

I shrugged as I fidgeted with my hands. "Okay. Would you like me to tell him?" 

"Could you?" I asked as I looked up at him. 

He had the softest look in his eyes as he looked at me. "I'll tell him before the safari trip," he said as he hugged me. "For now I'll just tell him you were feeling sad and didn't want to worry him." 

I smiled. He was the most understanding in the group. They all were understanding, but I felt if Jonah wasn't in a band, he could've been a therapist. 

That next morning I felt a bit better. It was another day at sea. I was woken up to Belle pawing at my cheek. I got up and prepared a piddle pad for her. When she was done I threw it in the trash can and went to the bathroom to get my favorite blue bikini on with a coverup. I found a pair of sandals and packed our bag for the day at the pool. I went out of the room to find Daniel with a towel around his neck and his grey swim shorts on. "Ready?" 

I got Mila dressed and we headed out with Belle right behind us. We arrived at the pool around the same time as Gabriella and Jack who had Lavender with them. They really looked like a happy family. Gabriella and Jack were unpacking their bags as they talked and Lavender was splashing around in the kiddie pool. My thoughts were interrupted as Zach jumped onto my back. "Really? You don't want to walk?" I laughed. 

"Why would I?" Zach laughed as I walked slower with his weight on my back. 

While the boys swam, I sat on a blanket drinking a virgin pina colada. Kay and Gabriella begged me to swim with them but I told them no. Corbyn got out of the pool and put a towel over his shoulders as he sat beside me. "Hey princess." 

"Hi," I replied. 

"Jonah told me," Corbyn said. "He wants me to talk you into it again." 

"No," I muttered. 

"Ava, what about Mila? She needs you in her life," Corbyn stuttered. "It might actually destroy Daniel to lose you." 

"I'm going to die either way. We're just delaying the inevitable," I replied and Corbyn hugged me. "Then I won't pester you about it. Clearly, you have your mind made up and I'm not going to stress you about it either." 

"Thank you," I replied. 

"Want to swim?" Corbyn asked. 

I shook my head. "Can we go for a walk? Unless you want to swim. I won't force you." 

Corbyn nodded as he searched for his shirt. He pulled it on and we left the pool. After almost an hour we sat down at a restaurant and ordered some milkshakes. "Remind me about your bucket list again," he said. "Which one is the most important to you?" 

"The one with Matt Steffanina," I replied. "And the marriage of course but it's not something I want to rush." 

"So you don't want to marry Daniel?" Corbyn asked as he sipped his milkshake.

I shrugged. "I do, but I don't want it to feel rushed," I replied. "You know what I mean?" 

Corbyn nodded. "You want it to feel real. Not like he married you so you could have a man before you..." 

I nodded as his voice trailed off. "Whatever happens will." 

A group of girls came running towards us and Corbyn rolled his eyes at me. I laughed as the squealing girls got closer. "Go ahead. I'll pay the bill." 

Corbyn got up before turning to me. "Do you have a pen? They might want autographs." 

I reached into my purse and pulled out my pen. He took it and went to the girls. "Hey, ladies, what's up." 

I finished off my milkshake and went up to the counter. I talked to the bartender for a few minutes before Corbyn hugged me. "Want to continue the walk?" 

The last days of the cruise passed too quickly and we were soon back at the port waiting for Randy to pick us up. I went for my doctor's appointment, wanting to make sure I was well enough to be traveling to Kenya for our safari. 

(I'm using Kenya because I live there sadly not for much longer cause I'm moving back to the states. But anyway, I wanted to involve something from my country). 

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