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No One's POV (continued)

Daniel couldn't calm himself as he paced around the waiting room. Corbyn had just come back from taking Mila to Kay's house. The hospital was no place for a three-year-old. He needed to see Ava. Zach was sitting in a corner with his head in his hand muttering things to himself. Corbyn looked sadly at Jonah. Jack was rubbing his temples not fully able to process what was happening. It took a while but Jonah convinced Daniel to sit down. 

A doctor walked out and Daniel jumped to his feet. The doctor shook his head. "There's not much time left. We've done everything we could. She wants to talk to all of you."

The boys ran down the hall into the room where Ava was laying connected to oxygen and all types of tubes. Daniel gripped Corbyn's arm. "I can't do it. I can't do it Corbyn. I can't tell her goodbye," he stuttered as tears streamed down his face.

"You got this. We're all here," Corbyn replied as he wiped away his own tears. "You have to Dani."

The boys approached the bed one by one talking to her and trying to make her smile which worked. Finally, it was just her with Daniel. He refused to let the last thing she saw be him crying. "Hey, baby. I'm right here."

"Daniel, I have to talk to Mila," Ava sobbed. "Please let me talk to her."

Daniel got out his phone and dialed Kay's number. Kay put Mila in front of the phone. "Mommy. I'm in the car. We'll see you soon," Mila said.

"I'll see you, baby," Ava said through her tears. "I'll see you soon my love."

"I love you, mommy. See you soon," Mila said happily.

"I love you, my baby," Ava choked out before hanging up and sobbing into Daniel's shoulder. "And I love you, Daniel."

"I love you, Ava," Daniel whispered.

The boys were standing along the wall in their own tears as they watched the events unfold. Daniel rested his head on Ava's chest, not wanting to leave her. Ava was gently playing with Daniel's hair. 

This seemed to go on forever before the heart rate monitor began to flatline. He sat up. "No. No, you can't leave me," he sobbed.

Zach and Jonah hurried to his side, trying to pull him away as nurses ran into the room. "Jonah, let me go. I can't lose her."

They were escorted into the hall while the nurses worked frantically to start Ava's heart up again. It wasn't long before a nurse walked out. She didn't need to say anything. Her face said it all. Daniel couldn't stay standing any longer. Jack caught him as he fell forward. "Dani, I'm so so sorry," Jonah was saying as he hugged Daniel from the other side.

Daniel's POV

"Where's mommy?" Mila asked as I picked her up. "Where's mommy?"

I couldn't speak. Kay had come with Mila as soon as Corbyn texted her. She had wanted to say goodbye but they were too late. I didn't know it would hurt like this. Mila was my responsibility now. Tears streamed down my face, onto Mila's shoulder as I held her. "Where's mommy?"

"You'll see her soon," I whispered, trying to hold back the tears.

"I want mommy," Mila whimpered.

I want her too, I thought to myself. I couldn't keep it together any longer. I put Mila down and pushed past the boys to get out of the room. I heard Corbyn call out to me, but I kept running until I reached the parking lot. I sat down on the curb sobbing. I couldn't think anymore. Thinking about Ava hurt too much. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Sir? Do you need anything? A ride, medical help, someone to talk to?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"I'll be okay," I replied between sobs.

The person left and I pulled out my phone. I found my mom's number and called it. "Hey, Dani. How's Ava doing?"

"Mom..." I sobbed.

She knew from my voice we'd lost Ava. "Okay, your dad and I are on the way," she said and hung up.

I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. It wasn't long before I heard my mom's soothing voice. She sat down beside me and pulled me into her arms. I felt my dad on the other side of me. "Daniel, I'm so sorry."

"It hurts so much mom," I sobbed. 

It was a while before I was able to get myself together. My mom looked at me and wiped my face. "Do you want to go home?"

I shook my head as my dad helped me stand up. "There are papers to sign and I need to deal with Mila. I have so much to do. Mom..."

She shook her head as we went back into the hospital. "I can take Mila." 

"She needs a dad. I'm the only parent she has now," I began when Corbyn walked over. 

He hugged me. "Jonah's taking care of the paperwork. Jack is taking care of Mila. I'll take you home." 

I was too tired to reply as Corbyn led me back to our car. A phone started vibrating and I frowned. "Not mine," Corbyn muttered as we pulled out of the driveway. 

I turned and saw a green phone laying on the backseat. Of course, it was Ava's. I picked it up and looked at the name. Quinnie. Shit. How were we going to tell her sister? I put the phone on speaker. "Omg Ava, I've had the best day!" 

Tears began streaming down my face again. Corbyn put a hand on my leg and I took a breath. "This is Daniel. Her boyfriend." 

"Where's Ava? Why are you crying?" Quinn asked. 

I couldn't do it. I saw tears running down Corbyn's face as he pulled over. He rested his head on the steering wheel. "She had a small heart attack. Her heart was too weak." 

"No..." Quinn's voice began to shake. "What are you trying to say? Can I talk to her?" 

"Quinn, I'm so sorry," I choked out. 

Two more chapters left then an epilogue. I can't believe this book is coming to an end. I feel like since my two-year hiatus of not writing books all the ideas I get are coming to life. Anyways, stay safe my loves💕

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