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Daniel's POV

I sat on the couch as I usually did, the television playing in the background as I got lost in my thoughts. The door opened and I heard a child talking. Lavender and Jack must be home. I got up and went out to the porch to see what was going on. Sure enough Lavender ran up the stairs and straight into my arms. "Uncle Daniel!" she squealed as I picked her up.

"Hey, darling. How are you?" I asked as I spun her around.

She held up an ice cream cone which was empty and slightly broken. "Daddy bought me ice cream," she told me.

"Without me?" I teased as I tickled the three-year-old.

Jack smiled as Jonah walked in with a small bag of toys. I reached into the bag and pulled out Lavender's favorite doll. She grabbed it and wiggled to get out of my arms. I set her down and she went to show Jonah her toy. Jonah knelt down as he looked at me. "We have new neighbors. There's a girl around Lav's age. Can you go introduce them?"

I looked at Jack who nodded in agreement. "That would be great. I would love Lav to start making some friends around here."

"Alright," I said and looked at the little girl. "Want to go meet someone?"

"Yeah. I can show her my doll," Lavender replied and I smiled.

Jonah and Jack winked at each other and I frowned. What were those two up to? Zach's car pulled into the driveway and he got out, looking frustrated. Slamming his car door he stormed towards the porch. "You okay buddy?"

"Uncle Z," Lavender said excitedly as she reached for him.

Zach ignored her as he turned to me. "You want to know what happened this time? I went in to talk to Randy about the new song, and he completely shut it down. He didn't even listen to it. What is it about me that he doesn't like? If any of you had suggested it he would've had us release it right now."

"Probably your temper," Jonah muttered.

"What was that Marais? Say it again. I dare you," Zach growled.

Stepping between the boys, I suggested Zach come with me to talk to our new neighbor. He agreed and we went there together. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I knocked again and heard a weak "come in." I opened the door and found a girl with long red hair sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chest with her head in her hands. Upstairs I heard a child crying. As I looked around I saw unpacked boxes all over the house. "Hi, I'm Daniel. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied shakily.

I frowned. She clearly wasn't. She was extremely pale and her fingertips were bluish. "Do you need help? I can take you to a hospital maybe?"

She shook her head as she raised her head to look at me. She was gorgeous. She had large amber eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. "I'm okay. I got a little dizzy. That's all."

"If you're sure," I replied still feeling like I shouldn't leave her alone. "Your kid is crying..."

She jumped to her feet but immediately started to fall forward. I caught her and led her to the couch. "I'll get her. Zach can stay here with you."

Zach sat beside her on the couch. "Hey. It's Ava, right? We met earlier when you brought your daughter."

I went upstairs and found a little three-year-old girl with blond hair standing in a doorway. Her hair was messy, which showed she'd clearly just woken up from a nap and probably tried to get her mom's attention. I found a hairbrush on a dresser and did her hair. Carrying her downstairs, I saw Zach talking to Ava. "Who this?" the little girl asked.

"Her name is Lavender. She wants to be your friend," I explained.

"My name is Mila," the little girl said as she held up her stuffed bunny. "Hopper."

While the girls introduced themselves I went over to Zach and Ava. I sat on her other side. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you," she muttered as she adjusted herself.

"It's not an inconvenience. Are you feeling better?" I asked.

She nodded as she got to her feet. "Yeah. I have vertigo and sometimes it just hits really hard like today."

Something seemed odd about her explanation. She was hiding something. "As long as you're okay."

Zach pointed at his watch and I nodded realizing we were supposed to be taking Isla to the skatepark since Jack had wanted to spend time with his mom. Jonah would be watching Lavender. "I better get going."

Zach waved and headed out the door. I started to follow when I felt her grab my arm. She had such a sad look in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Never mind. You can go," she muttered.

I wanted to cheer her up. I looked around the house and saw a skateboard leaning up against the wall in the kitchen. "Want to go skating with us?" I asked.

"But what about Mila?" Ava asked as she watched Mila and Lavender playing on the floor.

"Jonah's watching Lavender today. He could also watch Mila if you're okay with that," I suggested.

Ava looked at me for a moment before slowly nodding. "I guess I could let her."

Ava went over to the girls. "Hi Lavender. How are you?"

"I got my doll back," Lavender replied.

Ava laughed. "Mila, you want to go play with Lavender while mommy goes out?"

Mila toddled up to Ava and put a hand on her mom's chest. "Mommy breathing."

A panicked look crossed Ava's face but she seemed to regain her composure. "Yes. Mommy's breathing just fine my love."

Why wouldn't she be breathing? Is that why we'd found her on the floor earlier? "I have to get changed but I'll be right there," Ava said and ran up the stairs.

I followed Zach to the house with Lavender and Mila right behind us. "Go for her."

"What? Zach we just met," I laughed.

"She's perfect for you. I don't know Dani, I just have a feeling about her," Zach explained.

"Then you date her," I muttered as I opened the door.

"Who's Zach dating other than me?" Jack called from the kitchen.

We laughed as Jack hugged Lavender before leaving. "I'm ready," a voice said.

It was Ava. Half her hair was pulled back and she wore baggy jeans and a crop-top. I noticed Corbyn in the doorway winking at me. "Alright. Let's go then."

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