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Daniel's POV (continued)

We'd been at the hospital for a couple of hours. My mom had taken Mila without question which was one last thing we had to think about. The doctor walked out and Zach hurried up to him and whispered something in his ear. The doctor nodded and led Zach into a separate room. They were there for a few minutes before coming out. Not long after, Ava was wheeled out. She had tears in her eyes and I hugged her. "What happened baby girl?" 

"You're sure there's no way it'll work?" Zach was pleading. 

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry sir." 

The ride home was done in awkward silence. The only sound we heard was the occasional sniffle as Ava cried quietly in the backseat. Zach drove and I stared resolutely out the window wondering what could've possibly happened. "Where's Mila?" Ava asked between sobs. 

"With my mom," I replied. 

Ava's POV

None of us knew how but my blood pressure had dropped way too low suddenly. When they dealt with that they saw that I was starting to get blood clots which almost immediately made me ineligible for the heart transplant. We didn't really know how much longer I had left. They had given me medication for the blood clots but we knew it wasn't going to do anything. 

When we got home Zach led me inside. "Jack will take care of Mila. Just rest for the rest of the day." 

I nodded and started to go upstairs when Zach took my arm. "Daniel is going to beg me to tell him what's going on. Either you do it or I will." 

"Can you please do it?" I whispered. "I don't have the energy right now. I still feel kind of faint." 

Zach nodded and went to the living room where Daniel was sitting. I heard them talking before I heard Daniel coming up the stairs. I was still holding onto the railing trying to take a few breaths before continuing. Belle stood close enough to me where she could make sure I was okay. Daniel's eyes were red from crying. "Ava... why didn't you tell me?" 

"I needed to be sure," I replied tearfully. 

"So it's actually true," He choked out. 

I nodded and he pulled me into his arms, carrying me to bed and laying me down. He curled up next to me. We didn't speak. He played with my hair for a few minutes before finally hovering over me. "Why else didn't you tell me?" 

"I didn't want you to leave me," I stuttered, beginning to cry. "Mila's father left as soon as he heard and I couldn't lose you too." 

Daniel laid back down pulling me against his body. "You'll never lose me. I love you, Ava. I love you more than you know." 

"I love you too," I replied shakily before dozing off. 

I woke up in a panic as thoughts of Mila crossed my mind. Who would take care of her? Belle, who had been asleep in the corner of the room sat up and began whimpering as I started hyperventilating. Daniel woke up with a start. "What's wrong? Are you sick? Hurt?" 

I could feel fresh tears running down my cheeks as Belle jumped onto the bed and curled up on my lap sniffing me. I burrowed my face in her fur as I started sobbing. I couldn't leave Mila. I felt Daniel rubbing my back as he whispered soothingly in my ear. "Baby, what's wrong?" 

"What will I do with Mila?" I sobbed, my voice probably muffled from Belle's fur.

"I'll take her as my own," Daniel said without hesitation. "I'll be her father. She needs one anyways." 

I raised my head and Belle quickly began licking the tears off my face. I gave her a weak smile before turning to Daniel who had tears in his eyes. "Really? I couldn't put that on you." 

He shook his head. "I'm not letting it go. I'll be Mila's father. I'll have Jack to teach me how to take care of her. I'll have my mom to teach me how to take care of all the girl things." 

I laughed. Daniel was good at making me laugh. There was nothing I could say as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm right here. I'll always be here." 

It was crazy, but I was falling in love with him. 

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