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21 years later
Daniel sat in front of Ava's tombstone as he set some flowers down. "She's growing up. I wish you here to see her my love. She looks just like you. I'm walking her down the aisle tomorrow and it's crazy how fast she's grown up."

He sat there a few more minutes before getting up and going back to his car. He had to help Mila at the rehearsal and setting up the venue. It was the venue he and Ava had picked up. 

That next day Daniel and Jack were in the dressing room talking when Lavender ran in looking stressed out. Jack stood up. "What's wrong Lavy?" 

"Uncle Daniel, Mila's crying and saying she's not sure she can go on with the wedding. She also said how she wants her mom so the two could be related. I don't know what to do. The wedding is in twenty minutes. Please do something. She and Dylan are meant for each other. She can't lose him," Lavender stuttered. 

Daniel nodded as he got up. "Thanks, Lav." 

Jack turned to Lavender. "And where is my son-in-law?" 

"You called?" A man asked as he stepped in. 

"Hi, Mitchell. I was just wondering since I hadn't seen you today," Jack replied. 

Daniel knocked on the door and heard a small, "Who is it?"

"It's dad," Daniel replied.

"Come in, "Mila said between sobs.

Daniel went in and found Ava sitting in her wedding dress on the couch with her head in her hands as she sobbed. He sat beside her and pulled her into his lap. "Mimi, what's wrong?"

"I miss her. I love you dad but sometimes you just want a mother," Mila sobbed.

"I know Mimi," Daniel whispered as he stroked Mila's long curly red hair.

Mila sobbed into Daniel's shoulder for several more minutes before Daniel pulled away. "I have something for you. I was supposed to give it to you at reception but I'll give it to you now and you can show it off later."

Mila took the small pink bag and pulled out the envelope. "Will you read it to me?" she asked as she wiped her tears.

Daniel nodded as he unfolded the paper to read the letter: Dear Mimi, I love you so much and I wish had been there to watch you grow up. I wish I had been there to talk about boys, meet all the boyfriends you brought home and criticize them because none of them were good for you. I wish I'd been there to show you how a man should treat you but you had five of the most amazing men in the world to do that. I'm sure Daniel chased away all the boys who were after you. It hurts that I couldn't take care of you the way a parent should but Daniel helped me so much. You're getting married now and I'm so proud of all that you've accomplished. I know whatever you're doing is amazing. My sweet angel, I have something for you to take with you where ever you go. Love, Mom.

Daniel handed Mila the bag and she quickly opened it. She pulled out a locket and opened it. It was a picture of her with Ava as a baby. She quickly put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She turned to Daniel. He smiled as he pulled out a small journal. "I found this in the attic yesterday and decided to add it to the gift collection. It's all about you and me. I found it the day she died and it was so hard to read but I want you to have it now." 

"I love you, dad. I love you so so much," Mila said as she put on her veil. 

Daniel stood up and hugged her. "I love you too princess. How are you feeling about getting married?" 

"I think I'm ready," Mila replied. "I was wavering but now I'm ready." 

Okay, I'm actually obsessed with this book. I'm sad it came to an end but I'm ready to go back to my favorite genre, gangs. So I hope you enjoyed this book. Love you guys and stay safe 💕

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