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Ava's POV

Daniel had been sleeping all day and I had been told he wasn't feeling well so I left him alone. It was almost time to head to the airport and I was getting dressed for the airport when I heard crying from the bathroom. Zach was standing at at bathroom door knocking. "Dani, please come out. We can talk about this."

I pushed past Zach and knocked on the door. "Daniel, it's me. Tell me what's wrong baby."

The door clicked and I went inside. Daniel was sitting against the wall with his knees pulled up to his chest. I wiped the tears off his face and kissed him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so scared," Daniel sobbed. "I just never know how to tell you because I don't want to stress you out."

As I hugged him, I smelled alcohol on his clothes. "So you got drunk?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," Daniel stuttered.

"No. Don't be," I whispered as he rested his head on my leg. "Don't cry."

We stayed there for a few minutes before I heard Jon's car pulled in. "Let's go let's go let's go!" He yelled. "I'm loading the car then I want everyone downstairs."

I started to move when Daniel took my hand. "Please. Just a little longer."

"No, let me get you dressed my love," I told him as I helped him up.

I led Daniel to our room and found him a hoodie and sweatpants. He put them on and looked at me. "You look hot in our merch."

I was wearing their black cropped hoodie with the space joggers. As we got to the airport Jon got us checked in. We sat at Starbucks talking when a group of girls screamed and ran up to us. They went on and on about how Why Don't We had helped them through hard times and it was really sweet. The boys listened intently and told them about their own role models. After taking a few selfies the girls left and we continued our conversation. Another group of girls came running over and Jack groaned. "I love our fans but sometimes I just want to have time with my friends without being interrupted." 

Corbyn nodded before turning to the girls. "How can we help you ladies?" 

"How much longer will your hiatus be?" 

"Is Jachary still a thing?" 

"Will you sign our merch?" 

"Do you remember us from the meet and greet last year?" 

Daniel took a deep breath as he smiled at the girls. I could tell he was getting irritated. The girls' questions began to get more and more personal and it was starting to become rude. It was clear we were just trying to travel peacefully. Zach looked desperately at Jon who immediately stood up and asked the girls to leave. 

Daniel's POV

As we boarded I helped Ava into her seat. She seemed to be in awe at her surroundings. She touched the screen for the tv and the menu appeared. She diverted her attention to the table next to her. She fastened her seatbelt as she grinned at me. I loved seeing her so happy. "Whoah, look at this Dani," she said excitedly as she made her seat into a bed.

"You never been in first class before?" I asked curiously. 

"Not internationally," Ava replied as the captain began to make an announcement. 

After takeoff and our meal, which Ava was excited about because of the wine glasses and menu we got, we all got settled with movies. I felt Ava tap my cheek and looked over the divider at her. "What's up, babe?"

"Can you watch my bag?" she asked. "I need the bathroom."

I nodded before settling back into my seat with my headphones. I began to feel myself doze off halfway through the flight and turned off the tv. When I woke up, Corbyn was tapping my leg looking exhausted. "What?" 

"We're landing in an hour so that means breakfast time," he said. 

"I'm fucking starved," I heard Zach telling Jonah. 

"What are you watching?" Jack was asking Corbyn. 

I leaned forward to see what they were looking at. "Tomb Raiders again?" I asked. 

"There was nothing else to watch that I liked," Corbyn replied. 

Ava walked back over and came to me. I frowned as I pulled her into my arms. "Are you okay my love?" 

"I think so," she replied. 

"You just threw up blood again didn't you," I sighed as I wiped a small red stain off her chin. 

She didn't respond as she got up and went back to her seat where her menu was. "I'm fine Dani. I swear I feel fine. I'm just tired. Please don't worry." 

I raised an eyebrow and she reached her hand over the divider. "I would tell you if something was wrong." 

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