"I Love You Too"

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They brought Steve and Nat to the truck and started driving. 

"Where are we going exactly?" Hope asked from the passenger's seat. 

"Well as long as there isn't anyone living there now, my house." He answered. "Do you know if anyone has moved in?" 

"I can assure you, no one else lives there." She said. She was looking through her bag and brought out the pills she had used a few minutes ago. She sighed sadly when she counted how many were left. There was still about half the container there, so Scott didn't understand why she looked sad... 

"I know I probably should've asked this before, but what happened back there, by the tree?" He asked. Hope sighed again, as she dreaded talking about it. 

"After I woke up from the coma, I decided to disappear..." She started. 

Scott nodded. 

"But a few weeks later, I had another "panic attack" and I decided I needed to see a doctor and I used an assumed name to get the medication. That way I could stay hidden, but the "attacks" as the doctor called them, happened more often and a little worse every time." She explained. 

Scott didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." 

"It's fine, but I still don't know what triggers it and that scares me." She said shakily. 

"Well as long as I'm here, you don't have to be scared." He said looking at her as they pulled up to the house.

They got out and Scott walked up to the door. He took out his key and unlocked it. But he was shocked at what he saw when he looked inside. The house was completely clean and looked like people had been living there since he had. They walked in further and the lights were on and there were a few dishes in the sink. He checked the fridge and it was filled with food. 

"I thought you said no one lived here." He said. 

Hope just looked at the ground. 

"Hope?" He asked walking over to her. 

"I said no one else lived here." She said waiting for him to connect the dots. 

"You mean, you..." He started. 

"Live here, yeah." She finished. 

"I didn't have anyplace to stay and you know my dad carries around his house in his pocket, so your house was the only option." She explained. 

He walked up the stairs and went to his room. To his surprise, it was completely clean, the bed was made, and everything was exactly the way he left it. Then he went to Cassie's old room, which was right next to his. The room was spotless, but it only made him hurt more. It was like she was still there, but she wasn't... Something was off. The room at the other end of the hallway had its door open. 

It was strange because that was the spare room that he used for storage. He walked over with Hope close behind and went in. There was a blanket and pillow on a spare couch and the room was much neater than when Scott had last left it. 

"I guess you found my room," Hope said. 

"This is your room?" He asked. 

"Yeah well, I didn't...well.....you know what, I'm gonna go back to the car and see what's going on with the two superheroes." She said and ran downstairs without another word. 

Scott was about to go after her, but he decided she might need some time alone. He wandered to a table right beside the couch and saw a small journal. He picked it up and saw that the cover was made from a very specific fabric. His suit material. He opened it and started reading it, but stopped when he saw the words, Dear Diary. 

This was Hope's diary, he couldn't read that. But he needed to know what had been happening in her life over the past two years. He had missed out on two years with her and he needed to know more. Just from reading the first few lines, he could tell she had a hard time writing at all. The ink was smeared from what looked like water, or tears.                                                                                                                                                

Dear Diary,                                                                                                                  

Today has been one of the worst days of my life. Scratch that, the worst day of my life. Something happened and now... Scott is dead..... and so are Cassie and my dad. Honestly, I feel like life isn't even worth living at this point. I just wish I could stop it all from ever happening.....

That was the only entry and it was from the day that Thanos snapped. Then Scott found a Post-It Note in the back of the book. The color wasn't faded and the ink looked like it had only been used a few months or even weeks ago. 

Remember to get rid of the box in the closet. 

He put the book back and walked over to the closet door. There was only one box there and it was labeled Memories of Scott. He opened the box and found some pictures and a voice recorder. He picked up the pictures and started to look through them. He smiled as he saw the first one. 

It was a picture of them on their tenth date. 

But his smile quickly faded as he remembered that picture had been taken the night that Michael had attacked

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But his smile quickly faded as he remembered that picture had been taken the night that Michael had attacked. The last date they had in two years. Well, that was only for Hope, for Scott it felt like three months ago. He put the picture back and picked up the voice recorder. He turned it on and started listening to the last recording. But his heart broke as he heard the first sound. The sound of Hope crying. 

"I just can't believe he's really gone." She said between sobs. "Now that he's gone, the closest thing I have to him now is his house. I moved in here because I thought it would ease the pain but it just made it worse. I miss him so much...but I don't want to accept that he's gone. I wonder if when he.....I wonder if he knew how I felt. If he knew how much I cared, how much I wanted to tell him how I felt. If he knew that I loved him....." 

Scott dropped the recorder and put the box back in the closet as he heard Hope come up the stairs. He walked out of the room to meet her in the hallway. 

"I'm sorry I ran out befor-" She was interrupted by Scott pulling her into a kiss. 

The kiss deepened as Hope felt Scott's strong arms wrap around her protectively. She smiled into the kiss, not wanting it to end. She wanted to be close to him for as long as possible. He pulled away after a few more seconds, but his arms were still around her. 

"I love you too." He said.

                                                                         Author's Note 

Thanks for reading another chapter, like I said it means a lot to me and I love doing these fanfictions.

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