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The heart is worse than the action. Su Wanwan quickly ran back to the bedroom and changed his clothes, and came out to ask Jiang Chengzhan: "Zhanbao, I want to go out to buy vegetables, are you going?"

Watching him so addicted to watching TV, he would definitely not go with me.

Sure enough, Jiang Chengzhan looked up at her and said without interest: "Zhanbao still needs to watch TV."

God helped me, Su Wanwan shook his fist happily and went out.

This was the first time Su Wanwan went out alone by herself. She was afraid that Jiang Chengzhan would go out to find her. He hesitated when he walked to the door, and finally locked the door before he felt relieved.

No, she has to go back quickly, once he ran out, it would be miserable.

Su Wanwan really realized what it was like to be a parent, but soon the mood dimmed. They were also other people's parents and had nothing to do with her parents.

She felt that Jiang Chengzhan was a giant baby, and she couldn't worry about what she did.

At noon in the summer, it was at least thirty-seven-eight degrees. She didn't even take the umbrella, and even ran to the deli at the door.

"Bring me a roast chicken," she said panting.

The clerk is an uncle, and the air conditioner is clearly turned on in the room. He also shirtlessly took a fan of the pu fan, "Okay."

The uncle put on gloves, grabbed a roast chicken casually, and asked her, "Is this all right?"

Su Wan nodded late: "Okay."

The uncle has been there and said that Su Wanwan swept all the delicious food on the counter. I was running hot just now, and especially wanted to eat cold things. When I saw the red oil mixed vegetables on the counter, my saliva immediately flowed out.

Seasonal vegetables in summer, such as seaweed, radish, fungus, rape, etc., add some gluten and mix it with red oil, which is especially delicious.

Su Wanwan licked his lower lip, pointed at the mixed vegetables and said, "Give me some more of this. Put a little bit of everything."

The boss weighed the chicken and put it aside, and went on to weigh the food for her.

Su Wanwan took the smoked chicken and sat aside. In the original world, he couldn't eat a meal of meat for a month, let alone such a delicious smoked chicken. He had an appetite when he looked at it.

She tore off a chicken leg and saw that no one but the boss in the shop gobbled it up.

Anyway, give Jiang Chengzhan half left.

After a while, the boss picked up some cold dishes and finished dressing up. "Girl, that's good, it's exactly ten yuan," he was only half talking, and saw that Su Wanwan had gone down half of his chickens.

Somewhat surprised, the little girl looked at the soft and weak eating, but she was not at all ambiguous.

Su Wanwan hiccuped, got up and went to checkout.

The fat uncle smiled so that his face was creases, "Girl, your eating speed is not normal." He saw Su Wanwan eating happily, and took out two bunches of sweethearts, "This is for you, and I will come often in the future."

It was probably because he saw that Su Wanwan was a very combative foodie, he would give her something.

Su Wanwan was a little embarrassed, thanked the owner for leaving in a hurry.

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