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"Have you finished?" Su Wanwan was afraid that Jiang Chengzhan would notice her little movements, and quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah," Jiang Chengzhan answered as he walked into the house.

Su Wanwan sorted out his clothes and pretended to be okay, as if he had to go out, "Then I'll go to wash the dishes."

Seeing the empty plate with no meat star left, Su Wanwan gritted her teeth angrily, and then looked at her rice bowl, she only ate a few bites, which would feel hungry.

Enduring the grievance and cleaned up the bowl, Su Wanwan came to the living room to turn on the TV and looked for a costume drama to watch.

Just after the 120-second advertisement, I heard a shout from the room: "Wife, where is my notebook?"

"Notebook?" Su Wanwan was taken aback. This idiot is not so active in diary writing. Why did he find a genius just after dark?

This guy is definitely on purpose.

Su Wanwan didn't dare to answer, got up and lay down at the door of the bedroom, secretly looking at him.

Jiang Chengzhan opened the pillow and couldn't find it. He opened the drawer again. It still didn't. He pinched his waist and frowned and looked around, "I put it here!"

Su Wanwan couldn't help but smile, and then secretly returned to the living room. When he fell asleep at night, she would put it back for him after reading it.

Anyway, he was stupid, so he lied to him that he had been in the drawer and he might not remember it.

When she was thinking about the beauty, she suddenly saw Jiang Chengzhan coming out with her notebook, and running over to her, she shouted cheerfully: "Wife, Zhanbao found, Zhanbao found, I didn't expect Zhanbao to be with his wife. Under the pillow."

Hi, your uncle!

Su Wanwan looked at him speechlessly, can he find this?

Jiang Chengzhan ran to Su Wanwan, saw her not talking, and suddenly pointed at her and said, "Wife, didn't you steal it for me?"

He took out a pen and sat cross-legged on the carpet, opening the book while muttering: "Zhanbao has to remember, my wife stole the Zhanbao diary."

Su Wanwan moved his wrist, wishing to slap him according to his little grip.

She doesn't remember any good things, and he is concerned about these messes.

Jiang Chengzhan muttered while writing:

My wife ate too much meat last night, and her stomach hurts all night. Zhan Bao rubbed her all night.

My arms are so sore this morning!

Tonight my wife wants to eat meat, Zhan Bao would rather hold on without giving it to her. See, Zhan Bao loves his wife a lot.

My wife also stole the diary of Champa...

Su Wanwan could no longer listen, she threw herself down in front of Jiang Chengzhan like an evil tiger, stretched out her hand to **** the pen in his hand.

Jiang Chengzhan instantly changed his aggrieved eyes: "Wife, why don't you let Zhan Bao write?"

Su Wanwan was afraid that he would write something else, and smirked at her, and said, "Zhanbao, it's dark."

"Really?" Jiang Chengzhan glanced outside and nodded, "Well, it's really dark!"

Su Wanwan tempted: "What are you going to do after dark?"

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