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A few boys didn't put Su Wanwan in their eyes at all, just what kind of waves she could be like a rich lady.

So when she wants to gamble, everyone keeps watching the excitement.

Su Wanwan didn't care about their eyes, waiting for the waiter to make a dice.

Jiang Chengzhan would think of what Su Wanwan taught him. Someone gave his head, and he sat on the chair again with his legs open, his arms on the armrests, his expression indifferent and a little careless.

Su Wanwan sat next to him, afraid that he would be afraid, put a small hand on his leg and pressed it, and raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Chengzhan couldn't wait to jump up and hug her right away, his wife is too beautiful tonight.

It's a pity that Su Wanwan didn't give him a chance, so he lip-synched to warn him, "Stay honestly, go home and beat you if you don't behave."

Jiang Chengzhan's restless little heart immediately retracted, and sat down honestly, waiting for Su Wanwan to play dice.

When the dice came up, Zhou Tao naturally gave in: "Come first late?"

Instead, they used questioning sentences, and Yang Lei next to him still echoed: "That's right, otherwise we seem to be bullying you."

The classmates at this meeting all came to join in the fun and surrounded the two of them.

Everyone is also placing bets on who will win.

Zhou Taofu was born in the second generation and has never played with anything. This kind of dice is naturally handy, and he plays skillfully and fluently.

So most people pressure Zhou Tao to win.

Only a few people suppressed Su Wanwan, and probably thought that she was beautiful, and her luck would not be too bad.

Su Wanwan smiled, watching Zhou Tao raise his eyebrows slightly, "Sorry, I don't know how to play, why don't you make a style first?"

Can't play?

The atmosphere of the whole house went up another step, and everyone laughed and joked.

Su Wanwan didn't take it seriously.

Jiang Chengzhan listened in a hurry, and he leaned close to Su Wanwan's ear and whispered: "My wife, if you lose in a while, I will let the bodyguards come in and **** you away."

Seeing Jiang Chengzhan's nervousness, Su Wanwan couldn't help but sneered, and said in a low voice, "Watch the fun!"

Zhou Tao stood up, propped one foot on the ground, and stepped on the chair with the other foot. Amidst the crowd's eyes, he picked up the sieve and installed the dice, swayed left and right twice, and up twice. Shake it down twice, and finally slammed on the table with a frightened sound.

Pressing the palm of his hand on the sieve cup, watching Su Wanwan raised his eyebrows: "Late night, small or small, big wins, only one game."

He deliberately emphasized it again, and then said the rules again, just for fear that Su Wanwan would cheat.

All the classmates all looked at Su Wanwan, just waiting for her to bite the impression.

Su Wanwan's expression was indifferent, and only two words were vomited in her blushing lips, "Of course."

"It must be 18 o'clock, drive quickly, drive quickly, Brother Zhou, hurry up."

Some classmates couldn't wait, and urged Zhou Tao to hurry up.

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