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Instead of letting go of her, the man kissed her more violently.

Like a remnant cloud, it flicked over her mouth, along her cheeks, all the way to the roots of her ears.

The wet feeling made Su Wanwan's whole body tight.

As if she could no longer breathe, she was gasping for breath, but she couldn't control the suffocating feeling of Su Su Ma Ma.

She struggled, but she could only endure it.

I don't know how long it took for her body to confine her to relax. Su Wanwan didn't dare to relax, and used all his strength to push the person away.

She got up and ran to the side. She didn't see the way in a panic. She knocked her leg on the coffee table, and she yelled out in pain.

Su Wanwan couldn't look at her legs and turned and ran upstairs.

Jiang Chengzhan felt tight when he heard the shout, and hurriedly went to see her injury, but his eyes froze on a small bottle on the coffee table.

He had seen the little bottle with the purple pattern more than once.

If he guessed right, it was the contraceptive pill.

Su Wanwan ran for a few steps and didn't hear a sound. Suspicious in her heart, she stopped and looked back.

Seeing the man took a small bottle from the coffee table.

My heart sank suddenly.

She cleaned up the dressing table in the afternoon and found that there was still a bottle of contraceptives that hadn't been thrown away. Later, when she heard the phone rang, she took the contraceptives in one hand and went downstairs, and put it on the coffee table.

Now it is the bottle in Jiang Chengzhan's hand.

Jiang Chengzhan, who was previously stupid, shouted for a baby every day. If he had been awake long ago, then the idea of ​​wanting a baby was his true heart.

Now I see the contraceptive pill...

Su Wanwan bit his lip and settled in place.

The man must have misunderstood that she kept eating that kind of food.

In fact, it was a bottle of short-term contraceptives, which must be taken after the long-term contraceptives were stopped. She stopped after taking it for three months.

It also stopped for three months.

The air pressure in the room suddenly increased, and the air seemed to be still. The man's deep eyes didn't know how long he stared at the small medicine bottle before his gaze slowly fell on Su Wanwan's face.

The voice came out with a hoarse that was difficult to suppress: "You have been eating this all the time?"

Su Wanwan didn't know what to say, so she could only remain silent.

Jiang Chengzhan gave a wry smile and asked again: "So, you never thought about having a baby with me?"

The expression on the man's face was very hurt, his eyes seemed to be quenched from poison, and he was cold and distant. Su Wanwan's body shivered uncontrollably.

She wanted to explain, she didn't.

She has been preparing for pregnancy a long time ago, and she has been taking folic acid.

But I couldn't say anything to the point of my lips.

Perhaps this is the opportunity for the two to break up.

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