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The charity gala was planned by Cen Xirui. There is beauty, money and leisure. In addition to regrets that there are no women, all he has to do every day is to make money and charity.

Just built a school in a poor mountainous area, this month he personally stared at the acceptance.

After the event, he organized this charity auction. Any item to be auctioned with a price of more than 100,000 can be put in his auction. Half of the auction price will be given to the owner, and half will be donated to the auction for various charities. .

With his financial resources, although it will save a lot of trouble to donate money by himself, he feels that mobilizing rich people around him to give a love is also a more fulfilling thing.

At this moment, Cen Xirui took the list of invitations given to him by the person in charge below, glanced from start to finish, and then called Jiang Chengzhan.

Jiang Chengzhan was just busy with the work in his hands. Before he even reached his mouth, he heard the phone ring. He saw that Cen Xirui curled his lips and answered: "Lao Cen is not busy today?"

Cen Xirui smiled and said, "I'm not busy, I want to ask if Brother Jiang has a headache recently because of emotional issues?"

So kind?

Jiang Chengzhan felt that Cen Xirui and Cui Lingyue were both unprovoked, one was careless and unscrupulous, and the other was mild on the surface and dark inside, and it was bad.

"It's okay, what's wrong, Brother Cen cares about me so much today?"

Cen Xirui cleared her throat, "That's right, my brother has bought some fun stuff recently, and the auction is going to start tonight. Wouldn't Mr. Jiang pick two kinds of jewelry for the younger brothers and sisters?"

"I just took a look at the list, but there are a lot of fun things."

Buy a gift for Su Wanwan?

Jiang Chengzhan thought this was feasible, so he hesitated and agreed, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chengzhan felt that he was boring to go. Su Wanwan was at home alone and shouted boring every day, so it was better to take her with her.

Su Wanwan chose a long pink dress. She is now pregnant for more than two months, and she hasn't shown her pregnancy yet. People who don't know can't tell that she is pregnant.

I looked in the mirror for a while, my chest seemed to have grown a bit, and nodded in satisfaction.

Hearing the phone ringing, he immediately picked it up: "Zhanbao?"

Jiang Chengzhan was obviously in a good mood and said, "My wife, take you out to play at night?"

"Go out at night?" Su Wanwan was shocked. The first reaction was whether Jiang Chengzhan had discovered something, and the second reaction was how she responded?

He cleared his throat, and said the words that he had prepared in advance, with a regretful tone, "Why didn't you say it earlier? I promised to go out with Lingyue."

Jiang Chengzhan was startled, "Can't you make another appointment with her?"

Su Wanwan: "No, it's not good to talk, and I still have a baby in my stomach. What if the baby learns later?"

Jiang Chengzhan can't force this excuse, "Well, you go, go early and return early, and don't throw away the bodyguard."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chengzhan glanced at the screen of the phone, thinking that whether Su is late, he just happened to give her a big surprise.

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