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Looking through the boxes and cabinets, Su Wanwan turned over all the jewelry and set up a full dressing table. Unfortunately, there was no bracelet suitable for her to wear to the ceremony tomorrow.

Su Wanwan stood in front of the dressing table with her waist pinched, tilted her head and thought, if Qin Mingyang was really a bracelet that Jiang Chengzhan ordered, the bracelet should have been taken back by Jiang Chengzhan, right? Where would he put it?

For such an important bracelet, he can't just find a place and just plug it in, right?

Before he hid Xiao Huangwen, no matter how she turned it over, she couldn't find it. She really admired his ability to hide things.

There was no suitable one everywhere, so Su Wanwan decided to go out in the afternoon to see if the jewelry store was suitable.

Just ask Jiang Chengzhan for it. I always feel like I can't speak.

After a nap, Su Wan went out late. The bodyguard drove the car. She sat in the car and looked at the jewelry store on the side of the road.

As long as she walks into the house casually, Jiang Chengzhan should know that she is out to look at the jewelry in less than five minutes. If the bracelet was prepared for her, he would take the initiative to send it over, right?

Su Wanwan thought of a small calculation in her heart and quickly saw a jewelry store. She asked the driver to stop the car, pretended to be leisurely, walked in and made a circle, and asked the salesperson to take out the bracelets one by one to her. Look.

Before she took off the second bracelet, she saw the bodyguard hiding aside and calling.

I thought to myself that it would take less than five minutes before Jiang Chengzhan would tell her not to buy it. He was ready.

It's a pity that Su Wan waited and waited, tried all the jewelry in the store and didn't receive a call from Jiang Chengzhan.

It was a bit suitable for the salesperson not to buy anything, so I picked a pair of earrings casually at the end.

I took out my own card to swipe it, and suddenly thought that Jiang Chengzhan gave her a card, why swipe her own!

Su Wanwan handed out Jiang Chengzhan's card without hesitation. After swiping his card, she felt much more comfortable.

After coming out of the jewelry store, Su Wanwan got into the car and somehow thought of the Jiang family's old house.

Since they came out, there has been only one time when the old man fell ill and she took Jiang Chengzhan back for the New Year, and she never visited again.

Don't know what the situation is now?

The car happened to pass by the old house. She hesitated. Jiang's family didn't have any jewelry before, and Jiang Chengzhan didn't bring out all of it. It's better for her to go back and have a look.

Maybe there is suitable jewelry.

Thinking about this, Su Wanwan said to the driver, "Go back to the old house."

"Back to the old house?" The driver was taken aback, afraid that he had misheard, and confirmed again.

Su Wan nodded late: "Well, go back to the old house."

The old man is still in the nursing home. She had been there the day before yesterday. She is in a relatively stable situation, but she doesn't know people much.

When the celebration is over tomorrow, she will check again.

There is really nothing worth seeing in the old house.

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